6 insights for your Christmas business with event vouchers

6 insights for your Christmas business with event vouchers 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

The Christmas season offers event organisers a unique opportunity to generate additional income. Event vouchers are particularly popular this season as they are a flexible, creative and personalised gift idea.

Merry Christmas!

In this article, we show you how you can fully utilise the potential of vouchers and the six key insights that will make your Christmas business more successful. Whether you’re an organiser of concerts, sporting or cultural events – event vouchers are the key to more sales over the Christmas period.

Event vouchers in your ticketing system?

Contact us today or visit our website to discover the benefits of egocentric Systems’ white label solutions.

Hand in front of Christmas tree holding Christmas card with voucher

The Christmas business is highly competitive

The Christmas season is characterised by strong competition, as numerous companies vie for the attention and budget of customers. Event organisers find it particularly difficult to assert themselves against traditional products such as fashion, technology and toys in the gift sector. In addition, the pressure to buy is high among customers, as giving personalised and original gifts is becoming increasingly popular. If you as an event organiser do not offer a highly visible and simple solution, you could miss out on valuable sales potential. But this is where event vouchers come in – they offer the flexibility and personalisation that customers are looking for.

Event vouchers as a sales booster

Event vouchers offer an excellent opportunity to boost your Christmas business as they combine several advantages: they are flexible, can be used for different events and offer the giver the opportunity to give an experience that will be remembered. Especially in times of the pandemic, people have rediscovered the need for personalised, experience-oriented gifts. A voucher for an event – be it a concert, theatre or sporting event – is increasingly seen as a valuable gift idea.

Your offer! Your voucher.

With a user-friendly white label ticketing solution, such as the one offered by egocentric Systems, you can seamlessly integrate event vouchers into your offer. The vouchers are immediately available, can be personalised and sent digitally, which offers enormous added value for both the customer and the organiser.

Advantages of event vouchers during the Christmas season

1. flexibility for customers and gift givers

Event vouchers offer a flexible solution that makes it easier for the buyer to decide which specific event to choose. This allows you to appeal to a wide target group as the voucher holder can choose the experience themselves.

2. no stock and immediate availability

Event vouchers do not incur any storage costs and are immediately available digitally. Customers can also purchase them just before Christmas, making them the perfect last-minute gift option. Vouchers can be sent directly by email with just a few clicks via online shops and simple integrations.

3. personalisation and branding

Vouchers can easily be personalised with designs and messages that match your event or brand. This creates a personal connection and strengthens customer loyalty. Here egocentric Systems offers a solution that allows you to design vouchers according to your wishes and add personalised messages.

4. tap into new target groups

Anyone who receives a gift voucher may be coming into contact with your event for the first time. This gives you the opportunity to tap into new target groups and build long-term customer relationships. In the digital era, experiences are increasingly valued and event vouchers are the perfect answer to this trend.

5. cross-selling potential

Event vouchers also offer the chance to capitalise on cross-selling opportunities. Customers who redeem a voucher can easily be encouraged to buy additional tickets, VIP experiences or merchandise. This way you generate additional sales without additional effort.

6. low risk

Event vouchers are a low-risk source of income for event organisers. They do not initially tie up any capital and can be used flexibly for future events, even if these take place months after Christmas.

Marketing strategies for the sale of event vouchers

To realise the full potential of event vouchers, it’s crucial to choose the right marketing strategies. Here are some proven approaches on how to successfully promote your event vouchers at Christmas time:

Email marketing for targeted campaigns

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to target event vouchers. By targeting your existing customers and newsletter subscribers, you can create personalised campaigns that are specifically tailored to the pre-Christmas period. Emphasise the flexibility and special gift idea that event vouchers offer. Also create special offers, such as discounts or bonus vouchers for early buyers.

Tip: Use meaningful subject lines such as ‘The perfect Christmas gift: an experience that lasts!’ or ‘Give the gift of unique moments – our event vouchers are the solution!’. This will increase open rates and raise awareness of your offers.

Social media as a sales channel

Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok are great channels to increase the visibility of your event vouchers. Create creative posts or short videos that emphasise the experiential nature of your events. Use story features to promote vouchers in real time and maybe even start a countdown to Christmas to increase the pressure on last-minute shoppers.

Targeted adverts can also be helpful here. Use Facebook and Instagram ads to target specific audiences interested in experiences. These paid ads can be easily tailored to the interests and behaviour of potential customers for maximum impact.

Partnerships with local businesses

Another strategy is to work with local retailers, restaurants or other event organisers. You can integrate vouchers at their points of sale or run cross-promotions. For example, a voucher for an event combined with a restaurant voucher can be an attractive offer for many buyers.

This can also reach offline customers who might not actively look for event vouchers online. Especially at Christmas time, many people are looking for unique and personalised gifts. Through

Search engine marketing (SEO/SEA)

Optimising your website for search engines is another important element. Make sure that your site and especially the event voucher page is optimised for relevant search terms, such as ‘Christmas gifts event vouchers’ or ‘buy Christmas event vouchers’. The integration of an online shop where the vouchers can be purchased quickly and easily is also crucial for success.

In addition, use Google Ads to place adverts for specific keywords that potential customers use. This allows you to increase your visibility precisely when people are actively searching for gifts. This is where it pays off to use seasonal keywords in a targeted manner.

Christmas is coming (soon)

Event vouchers are the ideal sales booster for your Christmas business. They offer flexibility for givers and recipients, are immediately available and can be personalised. At the same time, they open up new target groups and cross-selling opportunities for you as an event organiser without taking any major financial risks. Simply integrate the vouchers into your sales platform – solutions such as egocentric Systems make it possible to design the vouchers entirely according to your wishes and sell them in just a few steps.

The Christmas season is just around the corner – take the opportunity to expand your business with event vouchers and increase your sales during the busiest time of the year.

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