
News and highlights from the event industry

Young woman poses happily for the camera and forms the peace sign with her hands

How smart visitor management increases the satisfaction of your customers

How smart visitor management increases the satisfaction of your customers 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Why do fans keep coming back to your events? What influences the visitor experience? These are the key questions in visitor management. By examining the entire event journey, from the initial ticket purchase to post-event evaluation, you can identify crucial points that generate enthusiasm or go unnoticed due to seamless execution. For instance, a well-managed check-in process is one that guests don’t even notice because it runs so smoothly.

In this blog article, we’ll explore various aspects of visitor management to enhance visitor satisfaction and identify stages where you can create an extra wow effect (keyword: Inseat Ordering).

More efficiency for your visitor management?

Then don’t miss out on the future of event catering! With Inseat Ordering, your event is sure to impress across the board.

Young woman poses happily for the camera and forms the peace sign with her hands

What is visitor management?

Visitor management encompasses everything from arrival and departure to spectator safety and order. The goal is to direct the flow of visitors efficiently, ensuring everyone reaches their intended destination with ease. Guiding visitors past sales stands can maximize sales per visitor. Simultaneously, it’s crucial to eliminate opportunities for dissatisfaction. Therefore, quick admission and thank-you messages after a successful event are also essential aspects of visitor management.

People who love to eat are always the best people!

Ever heard of Inseat Ordering? No problem! Get to know the technology for your event catering and find out how the “delivery service for events” can boost your sales.

Capacity planning

Effective capacity planning is the foundation of every successful event. It involves not only identifying the maximum number of visitors per location but also optimizing guest distribution. Each location has capacity limits that must be respected to ensure safety and enhance the visitor experience. Different events require different seating arrangements, whether seated or standing, and good planning ensures guest comfort and satisfaction.

In addition to smart ticketing systems that help manage capacity through sales, technologies can direct visitor flows during the event. For example, an inseat ordering app can guide visitors to the nearest catering stand or inform them where the shortest waiting times are. Push notifications can quickly provide your audience with relevant information about food and beverages, offering alternatives to minimize waiting times.

Logistics and infrastructure

Logistics and infrastructure are crucial to every event. Careful planning of toilets, catering stands, and first-aid stations ensures your guests are well taken care of. Coordinating the set-up and dismantling of event technology saves time and resources. Effective traffic management and ample parking prevent congestion and ensure a stress-free arrival. Reviewing past events can help identify capacity issues: Were there bottlenecks at entrances or restrooms? Which catering stands needed more staff? Which items sold out quickly?

Modern ordering systems in the food & beverage sector can address these issues by tracking sales and stock levels, and providing quick analyses with ready-made reports. Accepting pre-orders can enhance storage management and ensure visitors can buy their desired items on the event day.

These systems also allow you to analyze the capacity utilization of individual catering stands and optimize staff distribution to speed up order deliveries. For visitor management, speed and adaptability to demand are key.


Visitors in front of the Mona Lisa with smartphones raised to take photos

Clear and effective communication along the entire event journey is the key to satisfied visitors. Inform your guests well in advance about all relevant details regarding arrival, parking options and access to the event. A detailed FAQ and a customer service hotline will answer all your guests’ questions before and during the event. Use social media and your website to keep your guests up to date at all times.

In addition, app solutions can be another way of effectively delivering your messages. Due to the constant presence of smartphones, this channel also gives you the opportunity to share information during the event. A special plus for your visitor management is the use of an inseat ordering app for your catering offers. You can use push notifications to inform visitors about sales stands, share special offers or inform them about the status of an order and motivate them to pick it up at the next available stall.

Managing visitor flows

A smooth process during the event increases guest satisfaction. Coordinate admission flows, check tickets or accreditations, and manage queues and waiting times. Mobile ordering options and cashless payments can further optimize the process.

During the event, effective visitor management includes clear signposting, directional signage, and dedicated staff to direct visitor flows and prevent bottlenecks. Security and stewarding staff ensure a safe and orderly event, while good communication with police and emergency services is essential. Quality catering, hygiene measures, and a lost property office greatly enhance guest satisfaction. Imagine offering a service where a lost item prompts a push notification to all visitors, allowing the owner to quickly retrieve their property.

Real-time monitoring of visitor numbers and recording complaints enable a faster response to unforeseen events.

Post-event visitor management is equally important. Coordinating departures and efficient traffic management ensure a smooth end to the event. Collect and analyze visitor feedback to improve future events

Happy Fans, Happy Ends!

Intelligent visitor management increases the satisfaction of your guests and contributes significantly to the success of your event. the right technology, e.g. Inseat Ordering, can help you to further optimise the visitor experience and ensure even more fantastic moments for your audience.

More mow than WoW? Let’s talk!

Our event experts have the perfect digital solution for ticketing, catering, access, or a combination of all three. Get to know us and explore our solutions with no obligation.

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Umgekipptes Glas mit bunten Puzzleteilen. Plugins sind die Puzzleteile für ChatGPT.

ChatGPT for Event Managers: PlugIns as a secret weapon for better content

ChatGPT for Event Managers: PlugIns as a secret weapon for better content 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Content marketing is an essential part of promoting your event. The right strategy helps to generate high-quality leads, more traffic to your event website and increase brand reputation (source: Semrush). Creating good content is characterized by relevance to your target audience. And actually implementing the content can be a challenge. Make your content marketing easier with the help of artificial intelligence, such as Chat GPT. While AI itself has been gaining notoriety since the beginning of the year, there’s an insider tip that’s not yet as common: plugins for ChatGPT to create even better content. What plugins are and how you can use them, you will learn in our blog post.

AI for your event organization?

YES! Learn why you should not leave AI on the left and how you can use e.g. ChatGPT concretely.

Fallen glass with colorful puzzle pieces as a symbol for the addition of AI with plugins

What are plugins in ChatGPT?

Think of plugins as small puzzle pieces that make ChatGPT even smarter and help make a big picture. They extend ChatGPT’s capabilities by integrating external tools. This means that you can not only generate text, but also merge videos, create images and much more!

In today’s digital world, flexibility and adaptability are critical. Plugins allow ChatGPT to adapt to specific requirements, providing a tailored solution to any challenge. For you as an event manager, this means they can complete a variety of tasks more efficiently and creatively.

How to enable plug-ins in ChatGPT?

1. Log in to your ChatGPT Account.

2. Click on your profile at the bottom left of the navigation column and select “Settings & Beta”.

Screenshot of ChatGPT's navigation column für activating plugins

3. Click on Beta Feature in the “Settings” window that opens.

4. Activate the item “Plugins”. The button will then be displayed in green.

Screenshot of ChatGPT's window "Settings" for enabling plugins

Want more ideas on how to make AI's like ChatGPT work for your event?

Then follow our Instagram channel! Here you will receive insights and best practices on the use of AI for event organizers over the next 4 weeks. You’ll also find more knowledge about event ticketing and get insights into our work as a team.

How do you install new plugins in ChatGPT?

1. Return to the chat window and change to “GPT-4”.

2. Then hover your mouse over the button and click “No plugins enabled”.

Screenshot of ChatGPT's window fpr installing new apps

3. You should now see all your installed plugins. If you don’t use plugins yet, you will only see the “Plugin store”. Click on it.

Screenshot of ChatGPT's window that shows all installed plugins

4. Enter the name of the plugin you want to use in the search field.
TIP: In the next section we will introduce you to three plugins that are worthwhile for your event.

5. As soon as you have found the right plugin, click on “Install”.
TIP: Some plugins require a new registration on the operator’s site, but not all. Pay attention to whether costs are incurred on you by the use of the plugin.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT window for searching PlugIns

These 3 ChatGPT plugins will help you with your event content

1. Photorealistic

Photorealistic is a plugin that helps you find better prompts (commands for the AI) to create high quality graphics or images. Choosing the right prompt is one of the biggest challenges when using AIs for image creation, e.g. Midjourney. The plugin Photorealistic writes you the perfect command in ChatGPT, which you can then use in Midjourney.

Screenshot of the ChatGPT window when using Photorealistic

Here in direct comparison: left without Photorealistic and right with Photorealistic.

Screenshot of the image selection without the PlugIn Photorealistic
Screenshot of the image selection with the PlugIn Photorealistic

2. YouTube Summaries

With the YouTube Summaries plugin, you get concise summaries of video content. Ideal for quickly filtering out the highlights from artist interviews or event promotions. Using the example of the Hallescher FC success story, we will show you how it can work.

1. Log in to your ChatGPT account.

2. Copy the desired video link. In our example: Ticketing & Full Stadium: Success Stories

Screenshot of the ChatGPT window in cooperation with the PlugIn YouTube Summaries

3. TIP: If you want to filter the content of a video specifically, then give ChatGPT a search request, e.g. “Summarize the following video, in terms of the benefits of the ticket system: [URL]”.

Screenshot of a ChatGPT window with the YouTube Summarie plugin, which summarizes content with a certain filter

3. PDF Reader

You have a bunch of PDFs from suppliers or sponsors and are looking for a quick way to extract the content? The “PDF Reader” plugin saves you the time of having to screen content yourself. Just upload the PDF to your Google Drive, share the link and get the content summarized in seconds.

1. Upload the document to your Google Drive folder.

2. Go to the sharing settings and change the “General Access” to “Anyone who has the link”.

Screenshot of Google Drive sharing function for ChatGPT PlugIn PDF Reader setup.

3. Copy the link and switch to your ChatGPT Account.

4. Copy the link into the chat window and ChatGPT will summarize the PDF for you with the help of the plugin.

5. TIP: If you don’t want to use Google Drive, you can use the plugin “ChatPDF” to upload your document directly and let ChatGPT summarize it.

ChatGPT plugins for event manager

PlugIns can not only facilitate specific tasks, but also increase overall efficiency and productivity. They make it possible to save resources, streamline workflows, and ultimately achieve better results. For event managers, this can mean the difference between a good event and a great one.

Event management can be hectic at times, but with the right tools on your side, everything gets a little easier. ChatGPT and its plugins are such tools. They help you work more efficiently, be more creative and ultimately host more successful events.

Want to learn more about Artificial Intelligence for events?

In our Foresight Guide on the topic of “AI for Events” you will find further use cases and instructions on ChatGPT and the related topics.

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Arbeits-Setup mit allen relevanten Planungstools: Laptop, Smartphone, Kopfhörer

Toolkit for your event: 5 must-haves for your event planning

Toolkit for your event: 5 must-haves for your event planning 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Planning an event can be a complex and challenging task. There are many aspects to consider, from choosing a venue and creating a budget to marketing and executing the event. To make this task easier and ensure your event is a success, there are a number of tools you should incorporate into your event planning. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to five of these essential tools.

Also interested in hardware?

Comprehensive event planning also includes reliable hardware. Let our event experts give you recommendations for scanners, printers & co.

Notebook from the top with colourful desktop image. Around them lie a lot of other tools like asmartphone

1. Digital Ticketing System

The first tool that no event planner should be without is a digital ticketing system. Such a system allows you to manage and monitor ticket sales wherever you are. You can offer different types of tickets to appeal to a wider audience, and you can analyze sales data to identify trends and patterns. This can help you adjust your marketing strategy and ensure your event sells out. And at best, weeks before the event. This planning certainty pays off.

The store is integrated into your website

If a user is already on your site, then he should also buy directly there and not be sent via a redirect to a portal. And we have observed that in recent years, more and more people are searching for a specific event on the Internet instead of finding inspiration spontaneously on platforms. This means that your visibility on your own website has become much more important.

Make your ticket store visible

As soon as your website has loaded, you should see a button á la “BUY TICKETS” in the first window. Why? We experience time and again that the ticket store on the event page is not found quickly enough. This can be easily achieved by using easily recognizable and eye-catching buttons (also called Call-to-Action (CTA)).

Bring season tickets & Co. into online sales

This also applies to subscriptions and memberships. Everything that works for you at the box office should also be offered in the online store. They are an effective tool for visitor retention and help you plan for the long term.

More is more, for payment methods

The tickets are already in the shopping cart, what can go wrong now? PayPal, credit card, instant transfer, etc. – if the right payment method is not available, you will quickly lose your customers. Overcome this hurdle by ensuring that your ticket store supports current payment methods. These can vary depending on the target group and region!

Looking for the right digital ticketing system?

Take a look at egocentric Systems’ solution and put a tick on the checklist.

2. CRM-System

Capture attendees, manage them and invite them back to the event, you do all this with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. You can collect and analyze visitor data to get a better understanding of your target audience. This helps you adjust your marketing strategy and make sure you’re targeting the right audience. In addition, a CRM system can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which ultimately leads to higher ticket sales.

Contact options (e-mail, address, telephone number)

In the CRM system, you receive clearly prepared contact data, displayed as visitor profiles or grouped into similar visitor segments. This allows you to quickly send messages to a large number of contacts.

Purchase history

An important part of the dashboard should be the purchase history. Knowledge about buying behavior allows you to gain insights into the interests of your ticket buyers. This way you can build campaigns based on interests and play out special offers to an interest segment to generate even more response (e.g. purchases).


Activities such as sending emails (e.g. as a follow-up after an event or as an invitation) should be sendable directly from your CRM system.

3. Data Tracking

The third tool you should integrate into your event planning is a system for tracking marketing activities. Here you are probably already working with “Google Analytics” or the “Meta Business Manager“. In addition, you should definitely track activities such as newsletters, mailing campaigns, billboards, newspaper advertising and any other ideas you have.

With system you monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns and analyze the potential for improvement. You’ll see which campaigns generate the most ticket sales and which don’t perform as well. You’ll also learn how your customers respond to which advertising design. For example, if your customers respond best to ads that display a discount code, then you should take advantage of this information and invest more budget on these ads or communicate similar promotional offers. All this information can help you adjust your marketing strategy and ensure that you are using your marketing budget effectively.

Large data sets equal to more information

The more you can learn about your customers and their buying behavior, the more efficient your marketing will be and you will spend less money for more tickets sold.

Adjusting your marketing

So-called “turning points” or gears, help you to identify why, for example, an email campaign works well or what you need to optimize to improve the result. The gears are called KPI’s in marketing (e.g. conversion rate, impressions, reach, etc.).

4. Digital Admission Control

Another indispensable tool for your event planning is a digital admission control system. Such a system will help speed up the admission process and ensure that only people with valid tickets have access to your event. We’ve all seen the videos of people sneaking into every festival equipped with a high-visibility vest and clipboard. This does not have to be the case!

In addition, a digital entry control system will help increase security at your event. Many supermarkets use facial recognition software to detect and eject people banned from the chain as they walk in. Likewise, you can block a ticket and no matter which entrance the blocked visitor tries, the ticket is invalid and access to the premises is denied.

The Wifi question

How good is the WIFI connection at your event? A reliable Internet connection depends on the right combination of hardware and software. Many systems use a cloud solution, which is ideal in locations that have good reception. If you suspect connection problems on site, look for offline synchronized devices.

Link to the Tracking Tool

The check-in also offers you a lot of relevant information. How many visitors are currently moving through your location? Which ticket buyers actually showed up for the event? In conjunction with the tracking tool, you create the basis for designing the next event even better.

The tools for your event planning, combined or individually?

These five tools make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your event planning. They help simplify the process, increase your productivity, and ensure that your event is a success. The extent to which you can combine multiple items into one tool depends on the solution. If you’re not sure, it helps to gather the requirements for each tool and then research which software hits the most points on your list. Alternatively, different tools can be linked via Zapier and thus automated. Whichever way you choose, digital tools are designed to make your event planning easier and to support event managers.

Looking for an all-in-one solution?

The solution from egocentric System combines many tools for your event planning in one system. Get to know the system and check off several items on the checklist!

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fair in the sunset with many people

How to speed up your event organization with AI’s like Chat GPT

How to speed up your event organization with AI’s like Chat GPT 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

With the release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligences are on everyone’s lips again. The possibilities are numerous, but they should also be used with care. In our blog post, we want to show you how you can use AIs to support your event organization with simple steps.

Speed up even more processes?

There is a lot of potential in ticketing to simplify processes. How can we solve this for you with the help of software? Let us show you.

fair in the sunset with many people

What are Artificial Intelligences like ChatGPT and what can they do?

According to the Fraunhofer Institute, artificial intelligence describes the ability of machine learning by recognizing and sorting input information. In the case of ChatGPT, it is an AI-driven ChatBot developed by OpenAI that allows users to have text-based conversations with artificial intelligence. We asked ChatGPT directly for a definition and this was the answer:

“I am ChatGPT, a large-scale language model developed by OpenAI. I have been trained on a huge corpus of text data to understand natural language and generate responses to various questions and prompts. My job is to engage in conversation with people and provide information, insight, and assistance on a variety of topics. You can ask me anything, and I will do my best to give you a helpful and informative answer.”

In summary, ChatGPT can deliver text-based knowledge that you can specify with queries. For your event organization this means that you can ask for best practices on processes or formulations for your marketing communication. More about the exact application possibilities later.

In addition to AIs that can be used for texts and knowledge, there is also the possibility to create graphics and images with the help of machines. One example is DALL·E, also developed by Open AI. The AI creates a corresponding illustration, painting or photograph based on short descriptions of the image subject and style. Already taken a closer look at the cover image of our blog post? This one is also created by DALL·E. For the result, we entered the description “a fair with people in the evening sun, photography”. The tool could be helpful for your event organization, if you don’t have the budget for expensive photo shoots and still need images for your website or ticket store. We have collected some more examples for you:

Painting of dancer in white dress created by AI

Our description for DALL·E: “a ballet dancer with white dress makes a pirouette on stage, painting”

A blue baseball cap floats in front of a white wall

Our description for DALL·E: “3D model of blue baseball cap floating in white space”

An illustrated cute robot holds a ticket in his hand, created by an AI

Our description for DALL·E: “a cute robot carrying a ticket, digital art”

Can I use the footage, created by an AI, without hesitation?
For photos and graphics that you use from the web, you must always pay attention to the appropriate usage rights. There are photo portals such as Unsplash, which work together with various creatives who make their works available via the platform for free. Here, it is clearly broken down in which context you are allowed to use the images and for which purpose. In the case of AI-created content, the legal situation regarding copyright has not yet been finally clarified. For a final decision, consult your legal counsel and be regularly informed about the clarification of the legal situation.

AI for content-related tasks in your event organization

The fastest way to identify the possibilities for working with AIs like ChatGPT is to try them out. The next time you are planning your event and setting requirements and goals, ask ChatGPT about the steps you should take to make sure you don’t forget anything.

How can you help me plan an event that brings food truck owners together to talk about current industry trends and develop new fast food trends?

ChatGPT then defines various steps for the request:
1. Determine the Purpose and Goals of the Event: Define the purpose and goals of the event. In this case, the purpose is to bring food truck owners together to talk about current industry trends and develop new fast food trends. The goals could include networking opportunities, educational sessions, and brainstorming new menu items.
2. Identify the Target Audience: Determine who the event is for and who you want to invite. In this case, the target audience is food truck owners.
3. Choose a Venue: Find a venue that can accommodate the number of attendees you’re expecting. Consider factors such as parking, accessibility, and amenities like power outlets for the food trucks.
4. Set a Date and Time: Choose a date and time that works best for your target audience. Avoid scheduling the event on holidays or other conflicting events that might impact attendance.
5. Develop a Schedule: Develop a schedule of events for the day, including educational sessions, networking opportunities, and time for brainstorming.
6. Invite Speakers: Identify industry experts to speak on current trends and share their insights on the food truck industry.
7. Invite Food Trucks: Reach out to local food truck owners and invite them to participate in the event. Encourage them to bring samples of their food and to participate in the brainstorming sessions.
8. Market the Event: Promote the event through social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising to attract food truck owners and other stakeholders in the industry.
9. Manage the Event: On the day of the event, manage logistics such as parking, food truck placement, and event registration. Make sure that the event runs smoothly and that attendees have a great experience.
10. Follow-Up: After the event, follow up with attendees and speakers to thank them for their participation and gather feedback on how to improve future events.

ChatGPT's answer on how to organize an event in steps

More for your event planning

Read in our blogpost how a digital event ticketing solutions helps to manage your event easily.

AI for marketing related tasks in your event organization

In addition to knowledge requests, ChatGPT also provides you with various communication templates. This helps you to find first approaches in event marketing for emails, social media or ads.

What might an email invitation for this event look like?

The AI promptly provides you with a possible template for the email – even with possible placeholders, which are automatically filled in from your linked CRM system, for example:

Subject: Invitation to the Local Food Truck Owner Event

Dear [Food Truck Owner],

We would like to invite you to an upcoming event for local food truck owners in [city/region]. The event will provide an opportunity for food truck owners to network, discuss current industry trends and develop new fast food trends.

Details of the event are as follows:
Date: [insert date]
Time: [insert time]
Location: [insert location]

During the event, we will have guest speakers discussing topics such as marketing strategies, menu development, and food safety regulations. We will also have activities such as cooking demonstrations and tastings of new food trends.

We believe this event will be a great opportunity for you to connect with other food truck owners in the community, learn about industry trends and develop new ideas for your business.

Please let us know if you are interested in attending. We kindly ask you to RSVP by [insert date]. You can reply to this email or call us at [insert contact information] to confirm your attendance.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

Antwort der KI ChatGPT auf die Frage einer Einladungs-Email für ein Event

How will you use AI’s for your event?

We have shown you some possible uses for your event organization with AI. But how will you use this technology to get even more out of your event? Trying out new technological possibilities offers room for optimization potential. Nevertheless, you should always critically question the content created by an AI and cross-check it, especially when it comes to factual knowledge.

AI writes the emails and your ticketing software sends them to your visitors automatically?

We show you how automation works with our ticketing software in a free demo.

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Kontaktfreier Einlass und einfache Zutrittskontrolle für die nächste erfolgreiche Wiedereröffnung

5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event.

5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event. 2560 1696 egocentric Systems GmbH

Your reopening went so-so? The return to operation in the New Normal let many organizers breathe a sigh of relief, followed by the realization of new hurdles. We have collected five points that you, as an event organizer, can learn from your reopening, so the next WOW event will be a success. Digitized ticket solutions, easier access control and contactless admission are just a few of the optimization points.

Kontaktfreier Einlass und einfache Zutrittskontrolle für die nächste erfolgreiche Wiedereröffnung

Summer 2021 was the season of great reopenings. Hooray for the revived cultural program, dazzling festivals and bustling city fairs! But sanitation issues, 3G regulations, and the hovering threat of another lockdown, make event operations difficult. What didn’t go so well for your reopening, you can always improve and prepare for the fall with innovative ideas. The collected key learnings in our post show you where to start!

Learning 1: Tickets with time slot are not only for museums

A ticket with a time slot means that your visitors choose a certain visit time when booking the ticket. The visit time regulates the length of stay, which is also noted on the ticket. You can define the intervals in advance and adjust them according to your capacities.

Tickets with time slot booking are suitable for any event that is characterized by streams of visitors and give you the possibility of a controlled flow of visitors. In addition, you can use the capacity of your venue to the fullest. No annoying queues for your visitors! No breaches of hygiene and distance rules! The icing on the cake: Visitor spaces do not expire. When leaving the venue, the space can be re-booked and you sell more tickets.

The ticket system of egocentric Systems offers a sophisticated function for time slot booking. Read more abot the advantages and the how it works.

Tickets mit Zeitfensterbuchung für kontrollierte Besucherströme

Learning 2: Open communication creates a secure feeling

Feeling SAFE is feeling FUN! With the visit of your event you get enormous trust from your guests. Building trust with your community is key in the New Normal. Therefore it is important to communicate continuously and to inform openly. Customer management and marketing tools make it easy for you to stay in touch with your fans. Send reminder emails about your reopening and show transparently what a visit to your location looks like. What do visitors have to consider at the entrance? What is important when returning a ticket? How do you take care of the safety of your guests?

The technological support of a CRM system simplifies the administration of your customer data and is the basis for target group specific communication campaigns. The online ticketing software from egocentric Systems offers you an all-round solution with all the functions you need to build up relationships with your target group – an integrated CRM and numerous marketing tools.

Learning 3: Contactless check-in is part of the basic setup


The goal after your reopening should be to limit the contacts at your event as much as possible. This starts with the purchase of the ticket. Selling your tickets online relieves your box office and expands your ticket range: mobile and print-at-home tickets support contactless admission options. On-site, you can implement electronic access control with the help of ticket scanners. The technical support enables the contactless process, impresses with additional digital functions and is simple to operate. The more contactless options you offer, the safer your guests will feel.

At the entrance, your visitors can scan their ticket themselves – print or mobile – and enter your event contactless. egocentric Systems offers its customers to rent appropriate scanners or supports the implementation of own devices into the system. Further advantages of electronic access control are the downstream functions: in our online ticketing system you can see how many visitors are on your premises and how long their stay lasted. This way you always have an overview of how many seats you can still sell or if your location is already full.

Learning 4: Online requests facilitate contact tracking

Data over data. The obligation of contact tracking occupies all organizers. The first hurdle is collecting the necessary data. Paperwork at the venue and queues must be avoided! Second hurdle is managing the data to quickly find the information when needed. Both points can be solved if you also sell your tickets online.

A cleverly designed online ticketing solution, like the one from egocentric Systems 😉, allows you to query customer information directly during ticket booking. You can create forms yourself and integrate them into the purchasing process. The created profiles of your guests can be easily managed by CRM and optimize the search for the desired information. Of course, the processing of data in the system is compliant according to legal guidelines.

Learning 5: To invest in innovative solutions is always a good idea

Beitragsbild Biete Shows und Performances online an

The lockdown made organizers aware of new innovative event formats. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, we recommend you to do so pronto. How about your own online media library where you can offer additional material or recordings of entire events? You can also sell tickets for your digital offer via a paywall. You can also offer your event as a livestream and create the potential for double revenues. Furthermore, a digital solution opens the door to a larger target group and makes your brand more present online.

The egocentric Systems solution delivers a fast option for video content that you can integrate directly on your website. We see the huge advantage of the feature in maintaining the relationship with your guests. Home entertainment creates proximity to your offering and is an opportunity for networking and community building. Integrated features for chatting and a donation plugin complete the online experience.

Let’s sum up


Digitize processes to help you manage your event at New Normal. From online ticketing to contact tracking, there are digital offerings. With our online ticketing software you get all functions in one solution – JACKPOT!


Make the most of your venue and sell tickets efficiently. Tickets with time slot booking balance visitor flows and turn one ticket per visitor seat into as many as you want. A digital system in the background allows you to monitor the utilization of your event.


Make it contactless, if possible. Whether with special ticket types, a scanner system for electric admission control or an online offer for your fans at home. Diversify your offer and rely on technological support to create your WOW event in the New Normal.

You are not sure yet or still have questions. We would be happy to help you with your hurdles. Feel free to contact us at:

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software.

Unser E-Ticket-System erleichtert Deine Veranstaltungsplanung

How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning.

How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning. 2560 1707 egocentric Systems GmbH

The pandemic time has brought your business to a standstill? Or you are struggling with the implementation of hygiene regulations? The right e-ticketing solution can take the pressure off your event planning and offer numerous advantages – during the crisis and even afterwards.

Unser E-Ticket-System erleichtert Deine Veranstaltungsplanung

The planning of events is experiencing numerous hurdles due to the Covid-19 crisis and is increasing the organizational effort in numerous places. The sale of tickets also has to face new demands: preferably contactless, digital or mobile and as simple as possible. The ticketing system behind it should make your life easier and not open up another construction site. Below we present the advantages of e-tickets and how our solution solves your problems.

Increase Online Sales


The additional sales channel – the ticket store on your website – reaches new target groups compared to advance sales at the box office. Even visitors from further away can book tickets online for a weekend trip. This independence from physical distance is what makes e-tickets so special. But they also have other advantages.

E-tickets or digital tickets have a decisive advantage over analog tickets from the box office: transparency. Online sales allow you to bundle information – about buyers and for which events especially many tickets are sold. Linking the data directly from ticket sales with the event manager of egocentric Systems allows you to query and evaluate a wide range of data. This traceability is much more difficult with analog ticket sales.

And the most important thing should not be forgotten: digital tickets allow control mechanisms for the new normal. The sale of seat tickets with automatic spacing function, overview of the capacities of your premises and the sale of tickets with time windows. This way, you can already see how many visitors you expect and what the capacity utilization is when planning your event. This allows you to easily implement spacing rules and avoid contacts.

Also important to consider: the environmental factor

The graph above shows the environmental impact of paper. Although it is a more sustainable material than plastic, for example, reducing the use of paper can also do good for our planet. Saving paper counteracts the deforestation of forests. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are changing their purchasing behavior accordingly.

With e-tickets, you address precisely these visitors with an awareness of sustainability and create an alternative to the conventional paper ticket with digital tickets.

Fast forward again

That’s how e-tickets take the pressure off your event planning:

  • Easy access to tickets in your online shop
  • More revenue through flexible use of advertising space on the e-ticket
  • Direct collection of information from the sales process and linking with presentation and evaluation tools
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements and distance regulations
  • The environment thanks you – e-tickets have a significant sustainability aspect

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

Mobile Ticketing für Sport-, Musik- und Kulturveranstaltungen

Mobile ticketing for sports, music and cultural events.

Mobile ticketing for sports, music and cultural events. 2560 1709 egocentric Systems GmbH

5 reasons to use mobile tickets for your next event.

Mobile ticketing for sports, music, and cultural events has gained tremendous popularity over the past decade. Due to the huge success story of mobile devices and an ever-increasing number of mobile payments, mobile ticketing is becoming the new standard.

Although the use of this technology is trending upwards, there are still some old misconceptions that keep especially small and medium-sized event organizers from taking advantage of mobile tickets for their events. We want to clear up these misconceptions in our blog post on mobile ticketing.

Mobile first.

What is mobile ticketing?

You’re probably familiar with Apple Wallet or the Android equivalent for storing mobile tickets directly on your phone.

Mobile ticketing refers to purchasing, holding and validating tickets with a mobile device. The term is often used to describe tickets to enter an event with a mobile device (because someone might pay on their desktop computer and then enter later with a mobile ticket). For this purpose, storage in the wallet provides easy handling of mobile tickets. Tickets are thus easy to store, cannot be forgotten at home on the day of the event, and cannot be lost.

Is there only ONE mobile ticket?

No! Basically, there are several different forms of mobile tickets. For example, an event organizer could simply issue a QR code that visitors show and scan on their cell phones upon entry. This often works, for example, by showing the QR code of the PDF wipe, which is actually intended as a “print at home” ticket, and at least has the advantage of not having to print out the ticket first.

Another, but not quite as popular variant is the integration of a mobile ticket into an app of the organizer or operator. For this, however, the ticket buyer still has to download a separate app in any case, which is not always that popular. One advantage, however, is that the issuer has direct access to the cell phone and can offer further applications. For example, he can immediately offer the possibility to buy the ticket directly in the app. This is used by Deutsche Bahn, among others, which offers mobile tickets exclusively via its own app.

Most popular – PKPASS

Probably the most common and popular variant of the mobile ticket is the issue of a so-called PKPASS. A PKPASS can be stored as a file in a mobile wallet, allowing the ticket to be displayed directly on the cell phone. The Pass Wallet app technology (often referred to as Passbook) originated in the USA and was first introduced by Apple.

Mobile tickets such as PKPASS are based on customer needs
All PKPASS files are digitally signed by the issuer, so any attempt to forge the data or access it without permission is considered unsuccessful.

Using a PKPASS, it is possible to have the QR code scanned directly from the wallet on a smartphone when entering an event. No extra app needs to be installed for this, at least on Apple devices. But the wallet is also becoming increasingly popular on Android devices, and with the introduction of Google Pay, a wallet for digital tickets and vouchers is now also preinstalled on most Android devices.

Trouble in town?

Despite their increasing popularity among ticket sellers, event organizers and customers, mobile tickets have not been that popular everywhere. There are several reasons for this, which we will briefly explain:

Mobile tickets are...

...difficult to give away!

Admittedly, if you want to give away a ticket, handing it over is part of the process. But is that really a problem? Mobile tickets are easy to transfer and can therefore be given away without any problems. Add to that perhaps a nice bottle of wine, or a box of chocolates…that’s it!

...complicated to set up!

Many older software solutions for ticket sales are mainly focused on printing tickets. Mobile application possibilities that were developed were more or less cumbersome on it. For egocentric Systems, e-tickets, just like the “mobile first” approach, have always played a very important role – and rightly so!

...with high fees!

Until a few years ago, the big ticket portals also charged high fees for electronic tickets. This meant that an e-ticket was only minimally cheaper than a physical ticket sent by mail. After a successful lawsuit by the consumer association Verbraucherzentrale NRW, the BGH has now also rejected the appeal of the ticketing provider CTS Eventim in the last instance. This means that even the major portals are no longer allowed to charge for e-tickets, paving the way for mobile tickets.

In plain language: these are the advantages of mobile ticketing

Now that we’ve shown you that many concerns about mobile ticketing are unfounded, here’s a concentrated load of reasons why it’s worth using it. Not only you, but also your guests will benefit from these 5 advantages!

The ticket that you never leave lying around.

The number of customers who want to print out a ticket or carry it with them in paper form is becoming smaller and smaller. The danger of losing the ticket or forgetting it at home is far too great. If you keep up with customer expectations, ticket sales will increase, as will repeat ticket bookings for future events.

The ticket that increases your conversion rate.

Another benefit is the increase in conversion rates. This is because mobile ticketing also includes the general sale of tickets via cell phone. The target group for events is getting younger and younger, which means that bookings on mobile devices are also on the rise. Every event organizer should therefore also address the “mobile first” strategy in ticketing as part of their sales strategies. This is necessary to offer all ticket buyers a pleasant booking experience and at the same time increase conversion rates.

The ticket, for fast check-in.

A quick check-in process at the event is also a huge benefit. When your guests don’t have to dig through their purses, backpacks, or wallets to find paper tickets, the lines move much faster. A mobile ticket is quickly accessible on a cell phone and the guest can find it at any time without having to search for it.

The ticket that relieves your support line.

A decreasing support effort is another advantage if you, as an organizer, rely more and more on mobile ticketing. From our more than 13 years of experience in full service ticketing, we can assure you that the support effort that arises in our call center before an event is sometimes immensely high. But this support effort is avoidable. Most requests are for tickets to be reprinted, resent, or a question about the shipping status. With a digital ticket, this question does not arise and your support effort is reduced enormously.

The ticket, for more sustainability.

For your visitors, the big advantage is that there is no need to print out tickets. Your guests appreciate that, because you take work off their shoulders. Not to forget the aspect of sustainability. Because our environment also benefits when there is less need for paper. Event organizers with whom we work now, rely exclusively on mobile tickets for environmental and sustainability reasons. Just to give you an example: XS Carnight, the annual tuning meeting, has been doing without paper tickets completely for over a year as part of a “green campaign”. Customers and fans support this and have ensured that all 2020 events were completely sold out.

The biggest advance is that mobile tickets are gradually reaching the broad stratum of the population. Every year, millions of ticket purchases are made on cell phones. Mobile technologies have long been used in public transportation, air travel, and even shipping.

While in the early days of mobile ticketing, smartphone ownership was still relatively low, today it is at an all-time high. In 2011, the percentage of small phone owners in the U.S. was 35%. That number now stands at 81%.

You too can discover mobile ticketing for your next event.

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

Titelbild zum Thema Schließung Lockdown wegen Covid19

How to protect your visitors with timed ticketing.

How to protect your visitors with timed ticketing. 2043 1364 egocentric Systems GmbH

Tips how you can save your revenues after the quarantine with timed ticketing.

The time has come, since May 11, 2020, the shutdown has been loosened in almost every state. Shopping centers, amusement parks, zoos, but also gyms and restaurants can be visited. So the economy is starting up again and our lives are getting back to normal. However, there will still be limitations and access to shops and restaurants will be restricted to a certain number of people.

As part of the reopening, there will be new rules and you have to follow a hygienic routine. Distance will play a major role for all of us in order to prevent further infections. The number of visitors who are allowed to stay in one room at the same time will be limited to a certain number of visitors per square meter.

We, at egocentric Systems, strive with all of our innovations to develop functions with which you can optimize your daily processes and sell more tickets! This also applies to our integrated timed ticketing options. This gives you functions with which you can easily manage your available free slots.

Less queues – more sales.

Due to the remaining and necessary restrictions, we will have to work with some changes in the upcoming months. The implementation of the hygiene rules has already resulted in long lines in front of businesses. Your customers with annual cards or subscriptions have to wait at the door until a guest leaves. The waiting time will be too long for guests and there will be a negative impact on your business. Either way, the result is unhappy guests and lost revenue. We are looking for solutions to escape this hardship. So, we have recognized an opportunity in this, where many museums and exhibitions are already familiar with in order to sell their museum tickets.


With time tickets, our software enables you to sell defined time slots. So you can sell your guests defined time slots for special exhibitions, tours, lectures or other events. Furthermore, you can use this great function, just as well, to direct visitor flows. Our time tickets are a perfect ticketing tool to secure your sales. At the same time, you can respond to the necessary restrictions in the context of the Corona crisis. By booking time-controlled tickets through your online shop, you solve the problem of the large number of visitors. Use the time slots provided to ensure that your guests comply with the applicable distance rules and avoid long queues. Let your visitors simply select the time window for the respective day during online ticket sales and, thus, optimize visitor flows.


  • Easy setup of time slots, quick duplication for further opening days in advance or automatic setup via our program planner.
  • Management and planning of visitor flows through a specific exhibition or tour and avoidance of overcrowding, time slot management.
  • Protection against overbooking and prevention of overlapping time windows
  • Real time viewing, tracking and processing of your tickets.
  • Quick view of guest lists with the help of the Check-In Manager for each time period.

Our ticket shop software. Your style.



As already mentioned, we at egocentric Systems are convinced that technology should help people. For this reason, we have been developing tools with which you can improve the experience of your customers. Booking time slots is only one way so our software can optimize sales at your box office. We can do much more. At the same time, you may use the integrated marketing functionalities to increase the number of visitors and to offer your guests a smooth event experience.

Start with us now!

For more information about great opportunities to advertise your event online, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

gelbe Wand mit Beschriftung "weiter offen"

Sell tickets for livestream events.

Sell tickets for livestream events. 2560 1530 egocentric Systems GmbH

Sell Tickets for livestream events and get additional revenue – how it works!

In our blog post “Survive the corona crisis. 10 things you can do as a promoter now.“We presented you a number of exciting possibilities that you, as an organizer of live events, can currently do to keep yourself and your event business alive. One of the topics we received the most feedback on was the opportunity to offer events online. We would, therefore, like to dedicate today’s blog exclusively to the topic of livestream.

Why does live streaming make sense? For whom is it suitable? And how can you implement it quickly?

Status Quo. No normal operation in 2020.


Everyone should know the live features of Facebook or YouTube by now. A wave of live streams is currently going through the internet and the share prices of streaming platforms such as Netflix or Disney Plus have increased rapidly. Many providers of video conferences (e.g. Zoom, Vimeo) have expanded their functionalities. There is the possibility to show house tours, to broadcast concerts online or to make archived material accessible to your own fans and supporters. Now, that no major public events are allowed to take place (in Germany until, at least, August 31, 2020) it is important that you have a plan for the next 4 months. The possibility of offering livestreams brings a number of possibilities and advantages that will also last beyond the quarantine. With online livestream offers, you have the opportunity to redeem income even during the temporary closure of your venue. This service is beneficial for you whether you are an opera house, a comedy club, a theater, a playhouse or a solo artist. With live streaming events you have the opportunity to reach your fans anytime and anywhere in the world despite the quarantine. But even if the first deconfinement steps for venues with fewer than 1,000 places is expected to come into force from the end of 2020, due to new hygiene regulations, seats in your location will have to remain empty. It is, therefore, very likely that reopening will only be permitted if social distancing rules are being followed. Therefore, organizers will have to accept a loss of revenue, as they have to report sold out at 30-50% of their original capacity. Hence, an additional livestream offers the opportunity to generate additional income and cover costs.

There’s a life after the crisis. LIVESTREAMING FOR MORE TICKET SALES.

But even if we can, hopefully, soon return to normality, additional online streaming offers should remain an interesting option for every event promoter. Even then, they still offer the opportunity to generate additional profits and reach international fans. Capacity is always limited and tickets can only be sold for physical seats. Events can hardly be scaled and organizers have to be very creative to increase their income in a normal way. A livestream ticket can reach a second audience in addition to the guests on site. Regional restrictions no longer exist, and you can make your performances accessible to fans at any time, who might only be able to make it to the venue once or twice a year due to the distance. Well promoted, a livestream offer even gives you the opportunity to reach completely new target groups and to gain new regular customers with your exciting content. Use your additional livestream offer as an appetizer. Be creative and offer additional online content for your visitors; you can provide an interview with the artist or a look behind the scenes as added bonus and thus significantly expand your offer compared to the other venues.

We, at egocentric Systems, are focused on marketing your events so that you can simply sell more tickets! Continuing on the subject of livestream. We have, therefore, given a lot of thought and can offer you a solution that you can use to start your streaming tickets today! In addition to all the software, you’ll also need the right technology, depending on your requirements. Because the quality of creating paid content also plays a major role in online business. With this in mind, we found competent partners with T-Systems Multimedia Solutions and Video Vision that would rock your livestream event with us!

The ticketing software. Our all-around genius.

In our ticketing software solution you have now the option of either setting up pure livestream events or, in addition to your offline events, also configuring tickets for access to the streaming offer. This is very easy and can be done quickly. Then you integrate the individual streaming service of your choice, whether it’s Zoom, You Tube, Vimeo or any other. We have deliberately designed our options so that you can freely choose your streaming platform. As a last step, you just have to integrate our streaming plugin into your website or any landing page. That shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes and you’re ready to go. Your fans, guests and spectators can now buy a ticket in our ticket shop with just a few clicks. The ticket buyer get send an access code in his print at home or mobile ticket, with which he can get to your live offer quickly. Of course, this access can only be used once per time, so that you have no risk of multiple accesses with the same code.

As always with our software solutions, both the shop and the plugin are completely white label and can be easily integrated into your design and without media break. With our newly created media library options, you can monetize recorded events and other video material after the live event. Here, you have the option to sell the videos, e.g. with unlimited access, as well as on demand, with a limited access authorization. You can also find out in our video how easy you can integrate a stream into our platform.

The Oohs and Ahhs. The technology for brilliant live streams.

Live is life, that applies both at the event and before the stream. So everything has to fit when the curtain falls. Your livestream should run continuously without breaks and the video quality should be good. Interruptions or a bad streaming quality not only cause dissatisfaction with your audience, but can also make you appear unprofessional. The technical setup should be the right one and it is important that you equip yourself with the necessary hardware. With the help of our partner Video Vision, we have a few hints and tips for you below.

By the way, in our livestream offer you will find two great packages that we have put together for you with Video Vision.


  • For simple transmissions (e.g. home stories), the webcam of the laptop, tablet or cell phone does it for the start.
  • For a better quality, in larger rooms or when recording with several people, a video camera and simple equipment is preferable. The camera should be able to output formats up to 1920 × 1080 / 60p.


  • The tone is mostly underestimated. Although built-in microphones from your cell phone, computer or camera can bring good to very good quality, you are usually 2 meters or more away. External microphones are then much more suitable for these purposes and can be connected directly to a capture box.

Laptop / notebook.

  • To get started, a standard laptop is enough. It should have at least 2 CPU cores with 2.5 GHz (i5 or i7). The RAM should be 16GB RAM. All other components such as graphics card or hard drive are not relevant for live streams. The operating system can be Windows or MacOS, but keep in mind the quality of the sound.

Connection to laptop / notebook.

  • When using a camera, it must be connected to the computer. Special devices (capture boxes) are available from € 150.
  • The important question here is how the signal gets into the computer. Picture and sound signals are mostly imported via HDMI or SDI signal. (SDI offers higher uncompressed quality and is mainly used in a professional environment).


  • We recommend 2 to 6 Mbit / s (Mbps) upload speed. Make sure with your provider that this is not the download rate. This is often significantly higher and the upload is often around 10-20% download rate. You can test the whole thing e.g. via An LTE solution can be an alternative depending on the utilization of the radio mast. As good connection rates, between 10 and 40 Mbit / s are available.
  • For a transmission of 720p HD you need approx. 2 Mbit / s, for Full HD with 1080p approx. 4-6 Mbit / s.


  • You need software to process the incoming video signal on the laptop. This processes the image and sound of one or more cameras into a livestream and connects directly to a streaming provider.
  • Our recommendation here is “OBS” – Open Broadcaster Software. The software is free of charge and available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It offers a lot of functions (combining different video signals, graphics, titles and lower thirds), which are also ideal for professional use. With a short introduction to the software, even streaming beginners can get started quickly.

Streaming server.

There are various options here that have to be weighed depending on the requirements.

  • Version 1: YouTube – free of charge, but not securely limited by a payment barrier. So if you want to sell live stream tickets and avoid sharing the stream free of charge, this option is out of the question. In addition, YouTube displays advertisements and promotes other videos. This can distract your viewers and switch to other content. Particularly important, with the publication on YouTube you may transfer your rights to the platform. So take a close look at the terms and conditions. If the general conditions of YouTube fit your needs, then you only need the ID of your stream, which you can easily assign to a streaming event in our system.
  • Version 2: Zoom – free of charge or also available as a payment solution. Zoom is actually aimed at small webinars and digital workshops with a maximum of 1,000 viewers. Many currently use the service provider for direct streaming. In the free version, up to 100 viewers can follow the stream. Similar to Youtube, you only need the ID of the stream here and you’re ready to go.
  • Version 3: Individual solution: Do you have your own streaming solution or a favorite streaming service (e.g. Vimeo)? No problem! With Iframe integration, you can integrate any stream into our system.

The bottom line is…

Extraordinary times require new measures and are often a driver for innovations! 

With our functionalities you can also be an innovation driver! There are certainly countless arguments that speak intensively about providing live stream sessions for events. A few years ago, it was only reserved for the major broadcasters to sell video content, but today this is no longer a problem even for smaller providers. The technical framework has become significantly cheaper and the level of difficulty has dropped extremely.

We have the right solution for you. Check out what options we offer.


And that shouldn’t end here. We want to #sticktogether and have created the best entry for you with the project to get through the crisis in the best possible way!

Start with us now!

For more information about great opportunities to advertise your event online, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

Titelbild. Alte Kinotafel mit Beschriftung zur Coronakrise.

Survive Corona Crisis. 10 things you can do as a promoter now.

Survive Corona Crisis. 10 things you can do as a promoter now. 2560 1707 egocentric Systems GmbH

Survive corona crisis. 10 things you can do as a promoter now.

Cultural and sports businesses are in a difficult and uncertain phase due to the corona crisis. It will be a great test for the entire industry as well as our society. After the federal and state governments adopted comprehensive measures, such as a ban on mass events, from March 16, 2020 to contain the corona virus, it became dark in the once very busy event venues. Without a doubt, it was a very necessary step, but what will come in the next months to theaters and opera houses, sports clubs, artists, freelancers, technicians and employees in the event sector can only be roughly guessed at the moment. However, the fact is, that we are all facing a very difficult time. The whole industry has no choice but to get creative so that the lights don’t go out in the end.

We support you! In this blog post you will find a selection of ideas on what you can do to make the most of your time and get through the Corona crisis in the best possible way.

Collect donations! #hold together


As a result of the necessary cancellations, many organizers are faced with an high amount of refunds due, which will definitely cause major financial problems. Given that almost every venue depend on ticket revenues to survive, the public’s goodwill is vital to keeping the institutions alive. In times like these, cohesion and mutual support are often very important and have an immense importance. In this respect, broad support from ticket buyers is very likely. So don’t be shy and offer your ticket buyers to donate the ticket price to enable your event location to survive the Corona crisis.


Do not only collect donations, also offer your visitors an equivalent if they do not reclaim the ticket price they have already paid. These could be very different things and your creativity is certainly even greater than ours. So here are just a few suggestions: In return, offer an exclusive question and answer session with your director, your artists, the team or the management. Take the audience backstage, let them participate in exclusive “behind the scenes” sessions, offer them special house tours by your artists or exchange tickets for vouchers with special offers for the post-Corona crisis time.


A good way to get an injection of money is to sell memberships. Through this you can give your audience the opportunity, e.g. to receive particularly popular premier tickets in advance or to get special discounts on tickets. In addition, in connection with membership, you can offer invitations to premieres or special events, or link a membership with a special communication channel, a certain number of bonus points, limited program booklets or other giveaways. Using these options will definitely result in a win-win situation for organizers and customers.


Use the many possibilities that merchandising articles offer and your audience will thank you with sales. Concentrate either on the sale of stocks or set up a special edition with the clearly stated purpose of supporting you during this difficult time of the Corona crisis. Good examples come from sports such as the campaign against COVID-19 from the Dynamo Dresden football club active in the 2nd Bundesliga Germany. Most organizers already have their own online shop and can quickly generate sales. For all others, egocentric Systems offers a ready-made solution that is ready within a short time and can be used for sales. If you are looking for suppliers for items available at short notice, our merchandising team will be happy to help. Just speak to us directly.

P.S.: Our partner egocentric Merchandising will be happy to assist you on the subject of fan article production. From A for autograph card, T for T-shirts to Z for zip bag, the product range offers everything your heart desires. Did you know that the team prints in Germany?


Daily contact with other people is as normal for us as the daily commute to work. So it is not surprising for most of us that the lack of interaction with other people is one of the biggest problems. In addition, the focus of many people is shifting. That is why it is very important to be remembered. Find ways to take action with your audience. Offer interactive content! A number of options for this are online meetings, interactive quiz duels between your artists or employees and the audience, invent new screenplays online or create cool stories.


The show must go on! What has long been common for sporting events is now also coming to the cultural sector – the livestream. More and more organizers are broadcasting the latest news, house tours or recorded performances through your channels. This is a very good way to stay in touch with fans and other interested parties. Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to market live streams like regular events. But that will change. We are currently developing a way to stream events live and sell tickets. Beyond that, there are additional income opportunities after the theater reopens. Sold-out pieces find additional viewers or fans from far away online, but still have the opportunity to be there live. The Corona crisis can also pave new paths for your future.


Even if your viewers don’t have the opportunity to watch a full play or production, they’re still interested in culture during this Corona crisis. Maybe they even have a lot more free time than in the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life. Offer your audience playback scripts and let them see your world a little more than usual. Of course, this applies not only to scripts, but also to screenplays, theater instructions and general books on the subject.


Social networks are more present than ever before. Use your social media channels to connect artists and viewers. Shout out what your worries and fears are, what ideas you have and what opportunities there are for your audience to support you. At a time when social contacts are rare and only the focus is on the virtual world, social media is a good tool. Use your reach, but there are also great Facebook groups – like the coronavirus group in the UK theater industry – that provide hourly updates on situations and advice. It is more important than ever to make sure that people are not mentally isolated. Therefore, communicate and share in your life!


At the moment we all don’t know when things will return to normal. But every break requires a restart. It is therefore extremely important to be prepared for a new beginning. In the best case, use the time and maintain your customer database. Push through the long overdue check for contact duplicates or create the customer group selections that you have long wanted to work through. The planning of the next marketing campaign can now also be processed in peace. Stay in touch with your target group and regularly create newsletters, maybe for the next few months if there is time for it. Don’t forget to offer your customers the opportunity to subscribe to newsletters.


Despite the corona crisis – there is light at the end of the tunnel! Everything may look uncertain at the moment, but resilience will only keep the industry going. It is never too early to think about where the light can be found at the end of the tunnel. We all cannot prevent the event venues from being closed at the moment, but we can make the most of the time and are already thinking about restarting. Do tasks that you wanted to do for a long time, deal intensively with preparations for various tasks, e.g. the tender that you had wanted to do for a long time. Use the time to exchange information with other houses online and read into things that you have long wanted to know. Or just use the time to get to know the innovative white label ticketing software from egocentric Systems 😉

And that shouldn’t be enough in these times. We want #together and have created the best entry for you with the project to get through the crisis in the best possible way!

Start with us now!

For more information about great opportunities to advertise your event online, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

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