
Strategies and features for your event marketing

Woman from behind with long dark blond hair, raises her hands, sits on a petrol-coloured armchair

Golden Rules for Customer Communication in Event Planning

Golden Rules for Customer Communication in Event Planning 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Effective and empathetic customer communication is crucial for successful events. It not only drives sales but also fosters satisfied and loyal customers.

The issues faced by Ticketmaster illustrate the importance of good communication. Dynamic pricing led to higher prices, which might have been better received with improved communication. Most customers can accept price increases if communicated well, which is often about the right tone and wording.

In this article, we provide tips for communicating with customers in three common scenarios, along with ready-made text templates to save you time and ensure your messages are well received.

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Woman from behind with long dark blond hair, raises her hands, sits on a petrol-coloured armchair

1. Price increase

Price increases are never appreciated but sometimes unavoidable. Customers often react skeptically or angrily, especially if they feel the increases are unreasonable. Therefore, it’s crucial to communicate the reasons transparently and highlight the added value.

Why this approach?

Transparency creates trust. When customers understand why a price increase is necessary and what benefits they will gain, they are more likely to accept it. By mentioning specific improvements, such as better artists, higher quality technology, or additional services, you show customers that their money is well invested and that they can expect a better experience. This communication alleviates customer concerns and demonstrates that you take their satisfaction seriously

Ideal response // Template for communication

Subject: Important information about your event 

Dear [name of customer], we would like to inform you about an upcoming change. 
From [date] the ticket price for [name of event] will be increased 
from [old price] to [new price].
We have made this decision in order to continue to offer you a first-class event experience. 
The price increase will allow us to realise [examples of improvements such as better artists, 
improved technology or additional services]. 
We hope for your understanding and look forward to welcoming you to [name of event]. 

Best regards, 
[your name] 
[contact details]

2. Event cancellations

Event cancellations are frustrating for everyone involved. Clear, honest, and empathetic communication is essential. Customers should be informed personally before they hear it from other sources, ensuring their concerns are understood and addressed.

Why this approach?

Honesty and empathy maintain customer trust. If you inform them immediately and transparently about a cancellation and explain the reasons openly, customers will feel respected and taken seriously. Additionally, offering an immediate ticket refund demonstrates appreciation and good customer service. Alternatively, offering vouchers is an excellent way to secure revenue and remain in the customer’s mind. Both actions show you recognize the inconvenience and are taking steps to minimize it, helping to reduce the negative impact and maintain customer loyalty

Ideal response // Template for communication

Subject: Cancellation of [name of event] on [date] 

Dear [name of customer], Unfortunately, we have to inform you 
that the event [name of event], which was to take place on [date], 
has to be cancelled. 
The reason for this is [honest explanation, e.g. unexpected organisational challenges, 
health concerns]. 

We deeply regret this decision and apologise for any inconvenience caused. 
You will of course receive a full conversion of the ticket into a voucher. 
As a small add-on, you will receive a glass of sparkling wine per person 
when booking the alternative event 
- this is the exclusive voucher code "SEKT-" & your surname in small letters. 
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

With best regards, 
[your name] 
[contact details]

3. Response to bad reviews

Negative reviews can be painful, but they offer an opportunity to improve and demonstrate your customer-oriented approach. Many organizers tend to ignore such reviews or react defensively, which is often counterproductive.

Why this approach?

By responding proactively and constructively to negative reviews, you show that you value customer feedback and are willing to address concerns. This can positively influence the opinion of the dissatisfied customer and shows potential customers that you take problems seriously and strive to improve continuously. This transparency and commitment to improvement strengthen customer trust and loyalty.

Ideal response // Template for communication

Subject: Thank you for your feedback on [name of event] 

Dear [name of customer], 
Thank you for your honest feedback on [name of event]. 
We are sorry to hear that you were not satisfied. 
Your feedback is very important to us and helps us to continuously improve our events. 

We would like to learn more about your experience and invite you 
to contact us directly to discuss the issue. 
Our goal is to exceed your expectations in the future. 
Thank you again for taking the time to share your feedback with us. 

Best regards, 
[your name] 
[contact details]

Event success through trust

Clear and empathetic customer communication is key to your event’s success. By transparently explaining price increases, sensitively communicating event cancellations, and responding constructively to negative reviews, you show customers they matter. This strengthens trust in your company and solidifies your position as a market expert.

Implement the golden rules of customer communication and experience their positive impact on your event’s success. This communication strategy will help you manage crises better and ensure long-term customer satisfaction and loyalty. Such commitment and transparency make your company stand out and establish you as a trustworthy organizer.

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Blick über die Schulter eines jungen Mannes, der an einem Laptop sitzt und ChatGPT geöffnet hat

Best prompts in ChatGPT for event organisers

Best prompts in ChatGPT for event organisers 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

In today’s digital world, chatbots and artificial intelligence (AI) have become indispensable tools for event organisers like you. They can effectively assist you with customer support, event organisation and even copywriting. One of the frontrunners in this field is ChatGPT. In this article, we want to focus on how you can use the best prompts in ChatGPT to increase your efficiency and create impressive content.

AI as far as the eye can see

If you’re interested in AI for your event, read even more tips and instructions in our free AI guide.

Looking over the shoulder of a young man sitting at a laptop with ChatGPT open

What exactly is ChatGPT?

Before we dive into the world of prompts, let’s first clarify what ChatGPT actually is. ChatGPT is an advanced chatbot based on OpenAI’s GPT 3.5 architecture. This AI technology makes it possible to generate human-like texts and interact with you in a natural way. As an event organiser, you can use ChatGPT to answer visitor questions, provide event details and much more.

What are prompts?

Prompts are the requests or questions that you send to ChatGPT in order to receive a desired answer or text. They form the basis for your communication with ChatGPT. A well-formulated prompt is key to achieving the desired results. In the following, we will take a closer look at how prompts affect the quality of the generated content. By using such precise and well-formulated prompts, you can maximise the performance of ChatGPT and create valuable content for your target groups.

Comparing does & dont’s for prompts

Example 1: Theatre

“Can you tell me something about the next theatre play?”

DON’T: essential information is missing, e.g. what should be created “a summary, a critique”

“Please give me a summary of the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’, which will be performed in our theatre on 15 October.”

DO: specify exactly what is to be created and narrow down the theatre play

Example 2: Sports

“Write a promotional text for the next football match.”

DON’T: No mention of the channel, e.g. website or Facebook and no details of the game

“You are in the role of a social media manager and would like to formulate an announcement for the football match between [city name] and [opponent name] on 20 November. The text should be used for a post on Facebook. Please mention the expected line-up and the most important players.”

DO: Assign a role for ChatGPT, details about the game and content that should be included as a must-have

Example 3: Festivals

“What’s new at the festival this year?”

DON’T: “News” is too unclear, content must be named more precisely

“Summarise the top acts and the most important programme highlights for the [festival name] festival in August.”

DO: Narrow down the desired information

Example 4: Events

“Can you help me with the event organisation?”

DON’T: Question does not contain any specific requirements, e.g. what type of event, what steps should be taken, etc.

“I need proposals for venues in [city name] for a corporate conference with 200 participants in September. Please consider budget restrictions.”

DO: Define what you are looking for, for which event, when and with what conditions

How else can you use AI for event organisation?

E-Mails formulieren, Grafikene erstellen oder Best Practices abfragen. Lies in unserem Blogbeitrag wecle Möglichkeiten KI Deinem Event eröffnet, mit Beispielen aus ChatgPT und DALLE.

What do you have to keep in mind when creating prompts?

1. Define a clear objective: Before you create a prompt, you should know exactly what your goal is. Do you want to collect information for the event website, answer attendee questions or generate social media posts? Make sure your prompt is precise and specific. The more precise the question, the better the answer.
Example prompt: “Create a prompt to collect information about our event attendees that can be published on our website.”

2. Formulate specific questions: Make sure your prompt is precise and specific. The more specific the question, the better the answer.
Example prompt: “Can you provide me with the biography of the keynote speaker for our ‘InnovationX’ event? Please add information about his previous presentations.”

3. Consider the context: Consider the current context and provide all relevant information that ChatGPT needs to answer the question correctly.
Example prompt: “Can you give me directions to our event location ‘Congress Centre XYZ’? Please note that the event will take place on 5 December.”

4. Give clear instructions: Give clear instructions on how the answer should be formatted. You can request formatting instructions, bullet points or specific information.
Example prompt: “Create a schedule of events for our music festival ‘SoundWave’. Please organise it by day and give the times.”

5. Test and optimise: After you have created the prompt, test it to ensure that the responses are as expected. If necessary, optimise the prompt to achieve better results.
Example prompt: “Revise the prompt for creating a summary of our art exhibition catalogue to make sure it is more accurate.”

6. Use prior knowledge: ChatGPT can use information from previous requests, so it’s helpful to reference previous conversations.
Example prompt: “Based on our previous conversation about ticket prices, please give me a breakdown of ticket categories and their costs.”

7. Keep the prompt short and concise: avoid prompts that are too long or confusing. Short and clear questions are more effective.
Example prompt: “Create a short summary of today’s workshop ‘Digital Marketing Strategies’.”

8. Avoid ambiguity: Make sure the prompt does not contain ambiguous terms or ambiguous language.
Example prompt: “Please create a description for our ‘Open Air’ event so that it is not confused with our ‘Open Source’ project.”

9. Use templates and examples: If available, use templates or examples to simplify the creation of prompts.
Example prompt: “Can you give me an example prompt for creating an event FAQ?”

10. Ask for creativity when needed: If you need creative content, ask for it explicitly in your prompt.
Example prompt: “Can you develop a creative slogan for our music festival ‘GrooveFest’ that describes the mood and diversity of our music?

The prompt guide for you as an event organiser

Using ChatGPT to support event organisers like you can be an effective way to answer customer questions, provide event details and generate content. However, the quality of the information generated depends heavily on the prompts you use. With clear, concise and specific prompts, you can ensure that ChatGPT delivers exactly what you need, increasing your efficiency.

If you want to get the most out of ChatGPT, remember to phrase prompts carefully and adapt them to the needs of your event area. With the right prompts, you can utilise the full power of this impressive AI technology and increase the success of your event.

Would you like to find out more about artificial intelligence for events?

In our Foresight Guide on the topic of “AI for events” you will find further use cases and instructions on ChatGPT and Co.

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fair in the sunset with many people

How to speed up your event organization with AI’s like Chat GPT

How to speed up your event organization with AI’s like Chat GPT 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

With the release of ChatGPT, artificial intelligences are on everyone’s lips again. The possibilities are numerous, but they should also be used with care. In our blog post, we want to show you how you can use AIs to support your event organization with simple steps.

Speed up even more processes?

There is a lot of potential in ticketing to simplify processes. How can we solve this for you with the help of software? Let us show you.

fair in the sunset with many people

What are Artificial Intelligences like ChatGPT and what can they do?

According to the Fraunhofer Institute, artificial intelligence describes the ability of machine learning by recognizing and sorting input information. In the case of ChatGPT, it is an AI-driven ChatBot developed by OpenAI that allows users to have text-based conversations with artificial intelligence. We asked ChatGPT directly for a definition and this was the answer:

“I am ChatGPT, a large-scale language model developed by OpenAI. I have been trained on a huge corpus of text data to understand natural language and generate responses to various questions and prompts. My job is to engage in conversation with people and provide information, insight, and assistance on a variety of topics. You can ask me anything, and I will do my best to give you a helpful and informative answer.”

In summary, ChatGPT can deliver text-based knowledge that you can specify with queries. For your event organization this means that you can ask for best practices on processes or formulations for your marketing communication. More about the exact application possibilities later.

In addition to AIs that can be used for texts and knowledge, there is also the possibility to create graphics and images with the help of machines. One example is DALL·E, also developed by Open AI. The AI creates a corresponding illustration, painting or photograph based on short descriptions of the image subject and style. Already taken a closer look at the cover image of our blog post? This one is also created by DALL·E. For the result, we entered the description “a fair with people in the evening sun, photography”. The tool could be helpful for your event organization, if you don’t have the budget for expensive photo shoots and still need images for your website or ticket store. We have collected some more examples for you:

Painting of dancer in white dress created by AI

Our description for DALL·E: “a ballet dancer with white dress makes a pirouette on stage, painting”

A blue baseball cap floats in front of a white wall

Our description for DALL·E: “3D model of blue baseball cap floating in white space”

An illustrated cute robot holds a ticket in his hand, created by an AI

Our description for DALL·E: “a cute robot carrying a ticket, digital art”

Can I use the footage, created by an AI, without hesitation?
For photos and graphics that you use from the web, you must always pay attention to the appropriate usage rights. There are photo portals such as Unsplash, which work together with various creatives who make their works available via the platform for free. Here, it is clearly broken down in which context you are allowed to use the images and for which purpose. In the case of AI-created content, the legal situation regarding copyright has not yet been finally clarified. For a final decision, consult your legal counsel and be regularly informed about the clarification of the legal situation.

AI for content-related tasks in your event organization

The fastest way to identify the possibilities for working with AIs like ChatGPT is to try them out. The next time you are planning your event and setting requirements and goals, ask ChatGPT about the steps you should take to make sure you don’t forget anything.

How can you help me plan an event that brings food truck owners together to talk about current industry trends and develop new fast food trends?

ChatGPT then defines various steps for the request:
1. Determine the Purpose and Goals of the Event: Define the purpose and goals of the event. In this case, the purpose is to bring food truck owners together to talk about current industry trends and develop new fast food trends. The goals could include networking opportunities, educational sessions, and brainstorming new menu items.
2. Identify the Target Audience: Determine who the event is for and who you want to invite. In this case, the target audience is food truck owners.
3. Choose a Venue: Find a venue that can accommodate the number of attendees you’re expecting. Consider factors such as parking, accessibility, and amenities like power outlets for the food trucks.
4. Set a Date and Time: Choose a date and time that works best for your target audience. Avoid scheduling the event on holidays or other conflicting events that might impact attendance.
5. Develop a Schedule: Develop a schedule of events for the day, including educational sessions, networking opportunities, and time for brainstorming.
6. Invite Speakers: Identify industry experts to speak on current trends and share their insights on the food truck industry.
7. Invite Food Trucks: Reach out to local food truck owners and invite them to participate in the event. Encourage them to bring samples of their food and to participate in the brainstorming sessions.
8. Market the Event: Promote the event through social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising to attract food truck owners and other stakeholders in the industry.
9. Manage the Event: On the day of the event, manage logistics such as parking, food truck placement, and event registration. Make sure that the event runs smoothly and that attendees have a great experience.
10. Follow-Up: After the event, follow up with attendees and speakers to thank them for their participation and gather feedback on how to improve future events.

ChatGPT's answer on how to organize an event in steps

More for your event planning

Read in our blogpost how a digital event ticketing solutions helps to manage your event easily.

AI for marketing related tasks in your event organization

In addition to knowledge requests, ChatGPT also provides you with various communication templates. This helps you to find first approaches in event marketing for emails, social media or ads.

What might an email invitation for this event look like?

The AI promptly provides you with a possible template for the email – even with possible placeholders, which are automatically filled in from your linked CRM system, for example:

Subject: Invitation to the Local Food Truck Owner Event

Dear [Food Truck Owner],

We would like to invite you to an upcoming event for local food truck owners in [city/region]. The event will provide an opportunity for food truck owners to network, discuss current industry trends and develop new fast food trends.

Details of the event are as follows:
Date: [insert date]
Time: [insert time]
Location: [insert location]

During the event, we will have guest speakers discussing topics such as marketing strategies, menu development, and food safety regulations. We will also have activities such as cooking demonstrations and tastings of new food trends.

We believe this event will be a great opportunity for you to connect with other food truck owners in the community, learn about industry trends and develop new ideas for your business.

Please let us know if you are interested in attending. We kindly ask you to RSVP by [insert date]. You can reply to this email or call us at [insert contact information] to confirm your attendance.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

[Your Name]

Antwort der KI ChatGPT auf die Frage einer Einladungs-Email für ein Event

How will you use AI’s for your event?

We have shown you some possible uses for your event organization with AI. But how will you use this technology to get even more out of your event? Trying out new technological possibilities offers room for optimization potential. Nevertheless, you should always critically question the content created by an AI and cross-check it, especially when it comes to factual knowledge.

AI writes the emails and your ticketing software sends them to your visitors automatically?

We show you how automation works with our ticketing software in a free demo.

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