How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning.

How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning. 2560 1707 egocentric Systems GmbH

The pandemic time has brought your business to a standstill? Or you are struggling with the implementation of hygiene regulations? The right e-ticketing solution can take the pressure off your event planning and offer numerous advantages – during the crisis and even afterwards.

Unser E-Ticket-System erleichtert Deine Veranstaltungsplanung

The planning of events is experiencing numerous hurdles due to the Covid-19 crisis and is increasing the organizational effort in numerous places. The sale of tickets also has to face new demands: preferably contactless, digital or mobile and as simple as possible. The ticketing system behind it should make your life easier and not open up another construction site. Below we present the advantages of e-tickets and how our solution solves your problems.

Increase Online Sales


The additional sales channel – the ticket store on your website – reaches new target groups compared to advance sales at the box office. Even visitors from further away can book tickets online for a weekend trip. This independence from physical distance is what makes e-tickets so special. But they also have other advantages.

E-tickets or digital tickets have a decisive advantage over analog tickets from the box office: transparency. Online sales allow you to bundle information – about buyers and for which events especially many tickets are sold. Linking the data directly from ticket sales with the event manager of egocentric Systems allows you to query and evaluate a wide range of data. This traceability is much more difficult with analog ticket sales.

And the most important thing should not be forgotten: digital tickets allow control mechanisms for the new normal. The sale of seat tickets with automatic spacing function, overview of the capacities of your premises and the sale of tickets with time windows. This way, you can already see how many visitors you expect and what the capacity utilization is when planning your event. This allows you to easily implement spacing rules and avoid contacts.

Also important to consider: the environmental factor

The graph above shows the environmental impact of paper. Although it is a more sustainable material than plastic, for example, reducing the use of paper can also do good for our planet. Saving paper counteracts the deforestation of forests. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are changing their purchasing behavior accordingly.

With e-tickets, you address precisely these visitors with an awareness of sustainability and create an alternative to the conventional paper ticket with digital tickets.

Fast forward again

That’s how e-tickets take the pressure off your event planning:

  • Easy access to tickets in your online shop
  • More revenue through flexible use of advertising space on the e-ticket
  • Direct collection of information from the sales process and linking with presentation and evaluation tools
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements and distance regulations
  • The environment thanks you – e-tickets have a significant sustainability aspect

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

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