Quickly reopen. Timed tickets for easy appointment booking.

Quickly reopen. Timed tickets for easy appointment booking. 2560 1707 egocentric Systems GmbH

As agreed at the last Coronagipfel, openings for retail, museums and zoos are coming within reach – although not the same for all federal states. In North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, many museums have reopened since 08.03.2021. In Bavaria, cultural institutions have also been allowed to reopen their doors since 11.03.2021. The issue of fixed time windows for visitors plays a central role here. Because the idea is that visitors must book appointments in advance and provide their contact details. Wearing a mask is mandatory and visits are limited in time. Now many operators are faced with the question “How do I enable guests to book for specific time slots and query data in a compliant way?”

Retailers show how it’s done. An article by FAZ

Click & Meet is the new motto especially for retail. Similar concepts are also conceivable for cultural venues, museums and outdoor pools. For these, however, the motto is tickets with a time slot. These can simply be booked online and quickly scanned on site. The retrieval of customer data is also made easier.

What are tickets with time slots?

Time-window tickets make it easier for you to control the capacity of your venue and the flow of visitors. With time-based ticketing, you can offer tickets in limited time windows. This helps to regulate visitor flows and avoid long queues and overcrowding. At the same time, short waiting times improve the customer experience.

How does selling tickets with time windows work?

1. White label ticket store on your own website

Your visitors can buy an online ticket with time slot directly on your website without being redirected to an external site. All they have to do is select the relevant exhibition and set the date and time. To do this, you can simply create a price list in the system that meets the requirements of your company. These lists can be customized by price, area and ticket type. Create multiple price lists and assign them to the exhibitions for which you want to use time-based ticketing.

Einfache und schnelle Buchung im Online-Ticketshop direkt auf Deiner Webseite

2. Shopping cart with subsequent query of customer information
After your visitors have placed all the tickets and products they want in the shopping cart, they can register for a customer login or continue via a guest account. In doing so, all relevant information such as place of residence and telephone number will be requested. The processing is done in our system in accordance with data protection and is easy to handle due to the integration in the booking. If you wish, you can also create customizable forms, e.g. for contact follow-up, in the system and add them to the booking process.

Kombinierter Warenkorb für Tickets und Produkte plus Abfrage der Kundeninformationen

3. E-ticket for fast scan at the entrance

After your visitors have placed all the tickets and products they want in the shopping cart, they can register for a customer login or continue via a guest account. In doing so, all relevant information such as place of residence and telephone number will be requested. The processing is done in our system in accordance with data protection and is easy to handle due to the integration in the booking. If you wish, you can also create customizable forms, e.g. for contact follow-up, in the system and add them to the booking process.

E-Ticket zum Abspeichern oder Drucken für einen reibungslosen Einlass

Good for your visitors! But what about you?

So far, so good! Your visitors are well taken care of with our system, but what do tickets with time slots bring you? The advantages are not only the ticket store for online sales, but the heart of the system is the event manager, where you can configure everything. With the time slot tool for timed ticketing, you can view, track and edit ticket availability in real time. If a time slot is sold out, customers are notified during the selection process. This is used to prevent oversupply of your events.

You see, tickets with time slots with simple creation, booking and control are the key to a fast reopening. We will help you with a quick implementation of our system and the setup of Time Tickets. Just contact us and we will talk about how to realize your reopening as soon as possible: info@egocentric-systems.de

Book time slots quickly and easily online

Open easily, in the shortest time and with maximum security! Find your suitable package from super fast to fully integrated.

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