Toolkit for your event: 5 must-haves for your event planning

Toolkit for your event: 5 must-haves for your event planning 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Planning an event can be a complex and challenging task. There are many aspects to consider, from choosing a venue and creating a budget to marketing and executing the event. To make this task easier and ensure your event is a success, there are a number of tools you should incorporate into your event planning. In this blog post, we’ll introduce you to five of these essential tools.

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Notebook from the top with colourful desktop image. Around them lie a lot of other tools like asmartphone

1. Digital Ticketing System

The first tool that no event planner should be without is a digital ticketing system. Such a system allows you to manage and monitor ticket sales wherever you are. You can offer different types of tickets to appeal to a wider audience, and you can analyze sales data to identify trends and patterns. This can help you adjust your marketing strategy and ensure your event sells out. And at best, weeks before the event. This planning certainty pays off.

The store is integrated into your website

If a user is already on your site, then he should also buy directly there and not be sent via a redirect to a portal. And we have observed that in recent years, more and more people are searching for a specific event on the Internet instead of finding inspiration spontaneously on platforms. This means that your visibility on your own website has become much more important.

Make your ticket store visible

As soon as your website has loaded, you should see a button á la “BUY TICKETS” in the first window. Why? We experience time and again that the ticket store on the event page is not found quickly enough. This can be easily achieved by using easily recognizable and eye-catching buttons (also called Call-to-Action (CTA)).

Bring season tickets & Co. into online sales

This also applies to subscriptions and memberships. Everything that works for you at the box office should also be offered in the online store. They are an effective tool for visitor retention and help you plan for the long term.

More is more, for payment methods

The tickets are already in the shopping cart, what can go wrong now? PayPal, credit card, instant transfer, etc. – if the right payment method is not available, you will quickly lose your customers. Overcome this hurdle by ensuring that your ticket store supports current payment methods. These can vary depending on the target group and region!

Looking for the right digital ticketing system?

Take a look at egocentric Systems’ solution and put a tick on the checklist.

2. CRM-System

Capture attendees, manage them and invite them back to the event, you do all this with a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool. You can collect and analyze visitor data to get a better understanding of your target audience. This helps you adjust your marketing strategy and make sure you’re targeting the right audience. In addition, a CRM system can help increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, which ultimately leads to higher ticket sales.

Contact options (e-mail, address, telephone number)

In the CRM system, you receive clearly prepared contact data, displayed as visitor profiles or grouped into similar visitor segments. This allows you to quickly send messages to a large number of contacts.

Purchase history

An important part of the dashboard should be the purchase history. Knowledge about buying behavior allows you to gain insights into the interests of your ticket buyers. This way you can build campaigns based on interests and play out special offers to an interest segment to generate even more response (e.g. purchases).


Activities such as sending emails (e.g. as a follow-up after an event or as an invitation) should be sendable directly from your CRM system.

3. Data Tracking

The third tool you should integrate into your event planning is a system for tracking marketing activities. Here you are probably already working with “Google Analytics” or the “Meta Business Manager“. In addition, you should definitely track activities such as newsletters, mailing campaigns, billboards, newspaper advertising and any other ideas you have.

With system you monitor the performance of your marketing campaigns and analyze the potential for improvement. You’ll see which campaigns generate the most ticket sales and which don’t perform as well. You’ll also learn how your customers respond to which advertising design. For example, if your customers respond best to ads that display a discount code, then you should take advantage of this information and invest more budget on these ads or communicate similar promotional offers. All this information can help you adjust your marketing strategy and ensure that you are using your marketing budget effectively.

Large data sets equal to more information

The more you can learn about your customers and their buying behavior, the more efficient your marketing will be and you will spend less money for more tickets sold.

Adjusting your marketing

So-called “turning points” or gears, help you to identify why, for example, an email campaign works well or what you need to optimize to improve the result. The gears are called KPI’s in marketing (e.g. conversion rate, impressions, reach, etc.).

4. Digital Admission Control

Another indispensable tool for your event planning is a digital admission control system. Such a system will help speed up the admission process and ensure that only people with valid tickets have access to your event. We’ve all seen the videos of people sneaking into every festival equipped with a high-visibility vest and clipboard. This does not have to be the case!

In addition, a digital entry control system will help increase security at your event. Many supermarkets use facial recognition software to detect and eject people banned from the chain as they walk in. Likewise, you can block a ticket and no matter which entrance the blocked visitor tries, the ticket is invalid and access to the premises is denied.

The Wifi question

How good is the WIFI connection at your event? A reliable Internet connection depends on the right combination of hardware and software. Many systems use a cloud solution, which is ideal in locations that have good reception. If you suspect connection problems on site, look for offline synchronized devices.

Link to the Tracking Tool

The check-in also offers you a lot of relevant information. How many visitors are currently moving through your location? Which ticket buyers actually showed up for the event? In conjunction with the tracking tool, you create the basis for designing the next event even better.

The tools for your event planning, combined or individually?

These five tools make a significant difference in the efficiency and effectiveness of your event planning. They help simplify the process, increase your productivity, and ensure that your event is a success. The extent to which you can combine multiple items into one tool depends on the solution. If you’re not sure, it helps to gather the requirements for each tool and then research which software hits the most points on your list. Alternatively, different tools can be linked via Zapier and thus automated. Whichever way you choose, digital tools are designed to make your event planning easier and to support event managers.

Looking for an all-in-one solution?

The solution from egocentric System combines many tools for your event planning in one system. Get to know the system and check off several items on the checklist!

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