How to protect your visitors with timed ticketing.

How to protect your visitors with timed ticketing.

How to protect your visitors with timed ticketing. 2043 1364 egocentric Systems GmbH

Tips how you can save your revenues after the quarantine with timed ticketing.

The time has come, since May 11, 2020, the shutdown has been loosened in almost every state. Shopping centers, amusement parks, zoos, but also gyms and restaurants can be visited. So the economy is starting up again and our lives are getting back to normal. However, there will still be limitations and access to shops and restaurants will be restricted to a certain number of people.

As part of the reopening, there will be new rules and you have to follow a hygienic routine. Distance will play a major role for all of us in order to prevent further infections. The number of visitors who are allowed to stay in one room at the same time will be limited to a certain number of visitors per square meter.

We, at egocentric Systems, strive with all of our innovations to develop functions with which you can optimize your daily processes and sell more tickets! This also applies to our integrated timed ticketing options. This gives you functions with which you can easily manage your available free slots.

Less queues – more sales.

Due to the remaining and necessary restrictions, we will have to work with some changes in the upcoming months. The implementation of the hygiene rules has already resulted in long lines in front of businesses. Your customers with annual cards or subscriptions have to wait at the door until a guest leaves. The waiting time will be too long for guests and there will be a negative impact on your business. Either way, the result is unhappy guests and lost revenue. We are looking for solutions to escape this hardship. So, we have recognized an opportunity in this, where many museums and exhibitions are already familiar with in order to sell their museum tickets.


With time tickets, our software enables you to sell defined time slots. So you can sell your guests defined time slots for special exhibitions, tours, lectures or other events. Furthermore, you can use this great function, just as well, to direct visitor flows. Our time tickets are a perfect ticketing tool to secure your sales. At the same time, you can respond to the necessary restrictions in the context of the Corona crisis. By booking time-controlled tickets through your online shop, you solve the problem of the large number of visitors. Use the time slots provided to ensure that your guests comply with the applicable distance rules and avoid long queues. Let your visitors simply select the time window for the respective day during online ticket sales and, thus, optimize visitor flows.


  • Easy setup of time slots, quick duplication for further opening days in advance or automatic setup via our program planner.
  • Management and planning of visitor flows through a specific exhibition or tour and avoidance of overcrowding, time slot management.
  • Protection against overbooking and prevention of overlapping time windows
  • Real time viewing, tracking and processing of your tickets.
  • Quick view of guest lists with the help of the Check-In Manager for each time period.

Our ticket shop software. Your style.



As already mentioned, we at egocentric Systems are convinced that technology should help people. For this reason, we have been developing tools with which you can improve the experience of your customers. Booking time slots is only one way so our software can optimize sales at your box office. We can do much more. At the same time, you may use the integrated marketing functionalities to increase the number of visitors and to offer your guests a smooth event experience.

Start with us now!

For more information about great opportunities to advertise your event online, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

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