5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event.

5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event. 2560 1696 egocentric Systems GmbH

Your reopening went so-so? The return to operation in the New Normal let many organizers breathe a sigh of relief, followed by the realization of new hurdles. We have collected five points that you, as an event organizer, can learn from your reopening, so the next WOW event will be a success. Digitized ticket solutions, easier access control and contactless admission are just a few of the optimization points.

Kontaktfreier Einlass und einfache Zutrittskontrolle für die nächste erfolgreiche Wiedereröffnung

Summer 2021 was the season of great reopenings. Hooray for the revived cultural program, dazzling festivals and bustling city fairs! But sanitation issues, 3G regulations, and the hovering threat of another lockdown, make event operations difficult. What didn’t go so well for your reopening, you can always improve and prepare for the fall with innovative ideas. The collected key learnings in our post show you where to start!

Learning 1: Tickets with time slot are not only for museums

A ticket with a time slot means that your visitors choose a certain visit time when booking the ticket. The visit time regulates the length of stay, which is also noted on the ticket. You can define the intervals in advance and adjust them according to your capacities.

Tickets with time slot booking are suitable for any event that is characterized by streams of visitors and give you the possibility of a controlled flow of visitors. In addition, you can use the capacity of your venue to the fullest. No annoying queues for your visitors! No breaches of hygiene and distance rules! The icing on the cake: Visitor spaces do not expire. When leaving the venue, the space can be re-booked and you sell more tickets.

The ticket system of egocentric Systems offers a sophisticated function for time slot booking. Read more abot the advantages and the how it works.

Tickets mit Zeitfensterbuchung für kontrollierte Besucherströme

Learning 2: Open communication creates a secure feeling

Feeling SAFE is feeling FUN! With the visit of your event you get enormous trust from your guests. Building trust with your community is key in the New Normal. Therefore it is important to communicate continuously and to inform openly. Customer management and marketing tools make it easy for you to stay in touch with your fans. Send reminder emails about your reopening and show transparently what a visit to your location looks like. What do visitors have to consider at the entrance? What is important when returning a ticket? How do you take care of the safety of your guests?

The technological support of a CRM system simplifies the administration of your customer data and is the basis for target group specific communication campaigns. The online ticketing software from egocentric Systems offers you an all-round solution with all the functions you need to build up relationships with your target group – an integrated CRM and numerous marketing tools.

Learning 3: Contactless check-in is part of the basic setup


The goal after your reopening should be to limit the contacts at your event as much as possible. This starts with the purchase of the ticket. Selling your tickets online relieves your box office and expands your ticket range: mobile and print-at-home tickets support contactless admission options. On-site, you can implement electronic access control with the help of ticket scanners. The technical support enables the contactless process, impresses with additional digital functions and is simple to operate. The more contactless options you offer, the safer your guests will feel.

At the entrance, your visitors can scan their ticket themselves – print or mobile – and enter your event contactless. egocentric Systems offers its customers to rent appropriate scanners or supports the implementation of own devices into the system. Further advantages of electronic access control are the downstream functions: in our online ticketing system you can see how many visitors are on your premises and how long their stay lasted. This way you always have an overview of how many seats you can still sell or if your location is already full.

Learning 4: Online requests facilitate contact tracking

Data over data. The obligation of contact tracking occupies all organizers. The first hurdle is collecting the necessary data. Paperwork at the venue and queues must be avoided! Second hurdle is managing the data to quickly find the information when needed. Both points can be solved if you also sell your tickets online.

A cleverly designed online ticketing solution, like the one from egocentric Systems 😉, allows you to query customer information directly during ticket booking. You can create forms yourself and integrate them into the purchasing process. The created profiles of your guests can be easily managed by CRM and optimize the search for the desired information. Of course, the processing of data in the system is compliant according to legal guidelines.

Learning 5: To invest in innovative solutions is always a good idea

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The lockdown made organizers aware of new innovative event formats. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, we recommend you to do so pronto. How about your own online media library where you can offer additional material or recordings of entire events? You can also sell tickets for your digital offer via a paywall. You can also offer your event as a livestream and create the potential for double revenues. Furthermore, a digital solution opens the door to a larger target group and makes your brand more present online.

The egocentric Systems solution delivers a fast option for video content that you can integrate directly on your website. We see the huge advantage of the feature in maintaining the relationship with your guests. Home entertainment creates proximity to your offering and is an opportunity for networking and community building. Integrated features for chatting and a donation plugin complete the online experience.

Let’s sum up


Digitize processes to help you manage your event at New Normal. From online ticketing to contact tracking, there are digital offerings. With our online ticketing software you get all functions in one solution – JACKPOT!


Make the most of your venue and sell tickets efficiently. Tickets with time slot booking balance visitor flows and turn one ticket per visitor seat into as many as you want. A digital system in the background allows you to monitor the utilization of your event.


Make it contactless, if possible. Whether with special ticket types, a scanner system for electric admission control or an online offer for your fans at home. Diversify your offer and rely on technological support to create your WOW event in the New Normal.

You are not sure yet or still have questions. We would be happy to help you with your hurdles. Feel free to contact us at: info@egocentric-systems.de

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software.

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