8 essentials for the fundraising page of your event

8 essentials for the fundraising page of your event 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Fundraising describes the collection and promotion of donations for a specific purpose or organization. Why are donations interesting for your event? Your events revolve around emotions: Your event planning triggers emotions in a targeted manner and your visitors respond to the experience with a special brand loyalty. The higher the emotionalization between event and visitor, the more solidary the behavior towards your event brand and mission will be. Fundraising campaigns, in this case, can be an aid to you or your mission to achieve a specific goal, increase your reach, or sustain your operation. In the digital space, fundraising pages have proven to be a great way to communicate and collect donations. We’ve collected 8 essentials to help you design your fundraising page professionally and create a seamless fundraising experience for your fanbase/visitors.

Push Donation Engagement

With an online store for your event, you can not only sell tickets, but also call for donations.

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Online donations are more flexible and trackable

Why is an online fundraising page worthwhile for your event? People in Germany donate because they want to support an organization on a regular basis (50.2%) or were motivated by an appeal for donations (17.8%). A website is particularly well suited for both motives. The quick processing of the donation is independent of location and time. Donors can comfortably support your event via desktop or smartphone. You can place your appeal for donations digitally, e.g. via social media, and lead interested parties directly to your fundraising page. If you use an integrated ticket store solution for your event, you can cross-sell your appeal for donations.

Online donations bring further advantages: depending on the fundraising campaign, online donations can be more cost-effective compared to other fundraising methods such as direct mail – you save on printing and postage costs. Plus, donation data can be processed directly, without manual transfer. The donation is processed more seamlessly and you can use the funds more quickly for your fundraising goal.

Overall, online donations can be an effective and efficient way for events to raise funds and connect with donors. By leveraging technology and digital channels, organizations can reach a wider audience, process donations quickly, and gain valuable insights into donor behavior and preferences.

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8 essentials for your fundraising page

For the common thread on your fundraising page, you must not lose sight of three aspects: first, your mission statement as an organizer, then the purpose of the fundraising campaign and the call-to-action to donate. In addition to the content design, the structure should look simple and aesthetic to create a seamless donation experience. Let’s take a look at each of these components together!

1. Introduce your organization and its purpose

Provide insight into your mission statement. What is the purpose of your event? What responsibility do you assume towards the public and what is the purpose of your concern. This is how you introduce yourself to the visitors of the fundraising page, the donors and the world, so these points should be formulated carefully. Be honest and concrete about the values and goals of your organization.

2. Specify your fundraising goal

Clearly state how much money you want to raise with the fundraising campaign. This gives donors a concrete goal to strive for, and you create a clear expectation of the campaign’s finish line. Tip: consider breaking the goal into smaller, more attainable subgoals. This will give your donor community a recurring sense of accomplishment that will keep them interested in the campaign.

More drive for your fundraising campaign

Discover our 5 suggestions for moving your fundraising campaign forward.

3. Time your fundraising campaign

Publish the timeline for your fundraising campaign, including the start and end dates. This gives donors a sense of urgency and helps them understand when their support is most needed. Make sure to provide regular updates on fundraising progress throughout the campaign to keep your donors informed.

4. Offer flexible donation options

Stay flexible with the donation amount. Every wallet is different and even small donations count! You can offer different donation amounts to choose from, but your donors should also have the option to enter an individual value. Tip: Communicating the individual impact of the donation amounts may motivate them to place a higher donation. Also, make sure that you inform about the purpose of the donation and clearly confirm the receipt of the donation.

5. Tell your story

Use storytelling to connect donors with your mission and the impact of their donation. Share personal stories and give examples of the impact each donation can have. Tip: Share the successes of your last fundraising campaign and how it helped your event.

6. Keep donators up-to-date

Keep your donors informed by providing regular updates on the progress of the fundraising campaign. To do this, you can easily connect your fundraising page with additional communication tools. Through emails or social media posts, you can share how much money has been raised, how the donations are being used, and the impact of the fundraising campaign. This will help you to reach a wider audience for your campaign and attract new supporters.

7. Place the donation form well visible

This is one of the most important aspects of your fundraising page. Website visitors should be able to easily find the donor information link so they can fill out the form, enter their personal information, specify their payment option, and proceed with the donation. Hard-to-find donor information forms discourage potential donors who simply couldn’t find the link.

8. Formulate a clear call-to-action

The call-to-action “Donate now” should be located right next to the donation form. The call-to-action should include a short explanation that encourages visitors to donate now. Keep the wording short and sweet to make the action understandable.

Successful donations with clear information and ease of use

Creating an effective fundraising page requires providing potential donors with clear and concise information about your event, mission, and fundraising campaign. By including the key information above, you can inspire donors to take action and support your cause. Remember to keep donors informed throughout the fundraising campaign and always show appreciation for their support.

Interested in planning your
own fundraising campaign?

Our event ticketing solution combines ticket sales with further functions for your WoW event! It also makes it possible to collect online donations.

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