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The reason why your ticket shop needs a digital waiting list

The reason why your ticket shop needs a digital waiting list 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Event sold out? Think again! In event organization and ticketing, surprises are inevitable. Ticket cancellations are common during pre-sales, so how can you streamline resales with foresight? Enter the dynamic waiting list for your ticket shop. This article explains why setting up a digital waiting list is a smart move to enhance your event experience and quickly resell available tickets.

See the digital waiting list live in action?

Let us show you these and other indispensable functions for your ticketing – without obligation and with our event experts at your side.

People standing in a queue at an ascending staircase

What is a digital waiting list?

For sold-out events, the dynamic waiting list is an ingenious tool seamlessly integrated into the egocentric Systems solution. Developed to simplify managing high-demand events, it offers key features such as:

  • Automatic Data Capture: The dynamic waiting list automatically gathers information from potential attendees.
  • Control Over Ticket Allocation: It provides precise control over distributing returned tickets.
  • Improved Audience Engagement: The tool opens up new possibilities for engaging your audience.

Why is the digital waiting list essential for your ticket shop?

With the dynamic waiting list, you can easily capture potential sales and prioritize audience engagement. By inviting potential attendees to join the waiting list for sold-out events, you not only capture their details but can also offer them available tickets with just a few clicks. Additionally, you can use other marketing campaigns to stay memorable to your contacts and strengthen their connection to your event brand.

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Implementing a digital waiting list offers numerous benefits:

More Sales: Provide potential attendees with a quick and user-friendly waitlist option, allowing you to easily notify them when tickets become available.

Priority Selection: Maintain control over ticket allocation to the waiting list, ensuring a fair and thoughtful approach to managing event capacity.

Seamless Integration: The dynamic waiting list integrates seamlessly with your ticket sales through egocentric Systems, offering an easy way to manage returned tickets.

How the digital waiting list for events works

Activating the dynamic waiting list in your ticketing system prompts potential attendees to register in a form in the ticket shop as soon as an event sells out. Contact details are captured, enabling you to send targeted messages to offer tickets when they become available or include them in your marketing campaigns. The process is customizable to fit the exact needs of your event.

You will be notified when your tickets sell out and when ticket quotas become available. With just a few clicks, you can choose to contact all people on the list or a specific segment.

Utilise more sales opportunities

To summarize, the dynamic waiting list for sold-out events allows you to acquire potential buyers as contacts and efficiently use the database. Automated messages enable you to contact the target group via email or text message with just a few clicks. This tool helps you optimize event capacity and increases sales opportunities for tickets that become available in your online shop.

Already a fan of egocentric Systems & interested in the implementation?

As our partner, you will find detailed instructions on the tool in our helpdesk. You can activate it free of charge and integrate it directly into your ticket sales.

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Regie / Technik bei einem Live Konzert, in schummriges Licht getaucht

Rising ticket prices and cancelled concerts: current challenges and possible solutions

Rising ticket prices and cancelled concerts: current challenges and possible solutions 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

“Another concert cancellation?” This phrase echoes in our heads when we think of the many cancelled tours. The world of live entertainment is on shaky ground at the moment, and this uncertainty is affecting both the artists and their loyal fans. An ever-growing mountain of ticket costs and the flood of cancellations could make us think that concerts are becoming an exclusive experience. The ARTE documentary raises an interesting point: “Is going to a concert becoming a luxury?”. But: there are creative ways to change this narrative.

100% price control for your event ticketing

With an independent white label solution, you can fully control prices and reduce costs.

Direction / technology at a live concert, bathed in dim light

What’s going on in the music scene?

It’s no secret that concert tickets are getting more and more expensive and the big names are getting most of the cake, while upcoming talents are left in the dark.

But what’s behind it all?
The shadow of corona still hangs over us. Many postponed events from the past two years are now being rescheduled, and new faces are taking to the stage. The result? An overflowing calendar of events for 2023.

A normal weekend? Well, maybe a festival or, if I really make an effort, three to five concerts. And then? A week to recover from this musical marathon. Not to mention inflation, which makes everything more expensive – including concert tickets. Why? Because organisers have to contend with higher costs for rent, electricity and transport.

Add to this the influence of the three major ticket providers, who are driving up prices with dynamic pricing. The end of the story? Many fans who can no longer afford admission. Especially now that everyone is thinking carefully about what they spend their money on.
It looks bleak for smaller artists and independent organisers, while the superstars continue to play to sold-out houses. A mix of high prices and concert cancellations – not exactly what you want for an industry recovering from the setbacks of the pandemic.

Despite these setbacks, there is reason for hope. It’s time to raise the curtain on the solutions that could shape the next chapter in the world of live entertainment.

Possible solutions for organisers and artists

1. Organisers need more financial flexibility
One way to achieve this would be through state subsidies. However, it makes little sense to hope for this; we’d rather look around to see what other options are available. What does my visitor actually pay for a ticket price (and what do I receive as an organiser?)? Every extra euro I earn for my event helps me and my artists to earn money. So I should take an extra look here and find out how high my ticket system fees really are (sometimes up to 18% of the total price). Because with fair fees, everyone earns money.

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Then connect with us on LinkedIn and get inspiration, best practices and insights into the industry every 2 days.

2. The use of collaborations in social media
Influencers now come in all shapes and sizes – and for every genre. Thanks to modern cooperation opportunities such as affiliate marketing, event organisers can benefit from personalised reach and also fill the halls for lesser-known artists.

3. Expanding the presence in social media
It is no longer enough to just perform in local clubs. A social media presence has become a MUST HAVE for every public figure. And the motto here is: more is always better.

4. More cross-selling when selling tickets
If ticket revenue is no longer enough, then we need other ways to earn money as organisers. Merchandise items, limited editions and special offers generate more revenue per ticket purchase and customer. This allows us to cross-finance the concerts.

5. Better visibility on the internet
We experience time and again that events simply (cannot) be found. In the current times with the oversupply of events, this is the ultimate disaster. Here too, independent ticket shops can provide solutions through automatic Google ranking.

6. Even better usability of the website and the ticket shop
On the one hand, inclusion is our mission and on the other hand, it also has practical advantages to set up your website in such a way that it is easy to navigate. This also makes it easier for your visitors to buy a ticket.

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork

Each of these approaches requires careful consideration and collaboration between all stakeholders in the industry to create a win-win situation where artists, promoters and fans alike can benefit from affordable, high-quality live music experiences.

It may seem like the live music sector is facing constant headwinds, but like any tune, it has its ups and downs. With the right approaches and partners, we can create a music scene that is sustainable, inclusive and enriching.

You know the problem and want the solution?

In a personal meeting with our event experts, we will take a close look at your event and find possible solutions.

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Young men is lying in a red shopping cart

Avoid Shopping Cart Abandonment in the Ticket Store

Avoid Shopping Cart Abandonment in the Ticket Store 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

As a promoter of recurring events, whether it’s theater, sports or concerts, you’re constantly looking for ways to maximize your ticket sales. One often overlooked issue that can impact your sales success is what’s known as “shopping cart abandonment“. Statistics from the e-commerce industry indicate that $18 billion in sales are lost annually due to abandoned shopping carts (Source: Fox, Meir: dynamic yield). Fortunately, there are options via reminders, discounts, and more. Convert your tickets from shopping cart stools into valuable visitors. You can find the right feature for your online sales in your ticketing software from egocentric Systems. Learn in this article how to avoid shopping cart abandonment, plus: 3 templates for the right email reminder.

Cart crush instead of cart crash

Discover the reactivate shopping cart feature. The guide to set up and activate.

Young men is lying in a red shopping cart

What is the “shopping cart recovery”?

Abandoned cart recovery can be your secret weapon to ensure a successful ticket sales process. This clever feature allows you to communicate with potential visitors who are interested in your events and add items to their cart within egocentric Systems, but do not complete the purchase process.

The reasons for not completing a shopping cart online are many. Among the most common are high shipping fees, unsuitable payment methods, the product was cheaper elsewhere or the purchase motivation is missing (Source: statista.de). For each motive, you can use the appropriate communication to place the small decisive incentive to buy.

How does it work?

Once abandoned cart recovery is enabled in the ticket system, your potential buyers will be prompted to enter their contact information after selecting a ticket quantity. This means that you can capture the user’s name, email address, and phone number before the purchase is completed. This data is then added to an automated email list to remind the user to complete their transaction. The highlight here is that you can customize the title and description of the form. You also have the option to add your own email template to create a truly streamlined experience.

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Increase the satisfaction of your buyers

Another benefit of recovering abandoned purchases is the opportunity to deepen your relationship with your shoppers. By sending them personalized messages reminding them to come back and complete their purchases, you show that you care about their satisfaction. Easy access to items in the cart and a straightforward checkout process increase user convenience and satisfaction. Even if a customer’s cart is expired or empty, strategic emails and text messages direct them back to your event page and encourage further exploration and purchases.

3 Shopping Cart Recovery Email Templates

1. reminder of the canceled purchase

Provides service to overcome hurdle

2. Personal offer

Coupon code to activate price sensitive buyers

3. Last chance

Creates urgency to return to the store

Avoid shopping cart abandonment with personalized service

Not only a smart feature is invisible for successful shopping cart closings, but also the personal service. Messages that address your users individually achieve higher engagement and form a powerful building block in your sales process. It helps not only to win back lost sales, but also to strengthen the relationship with your customers.

How this feature helps you for your customer retention?

egocentric Systems offers solutions for the successful sales process of your tickets.

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Hand in schwarz weiß wirft einen Coin mit Ziffernblatt in ein Spendengefäß

8 essentials for the fundraising page of your event

8 essentials for the fundraising page of your event 1008 756 egocentric Systems GmbH

Fundraising describes the collection and promotion of donations for a specific purpose or organization. Why are donations interesting for your event? Your events revolve around emotions: Your event planning triggers emotions in a targeted manner and your visitors respond to the experience with a special brand loyalty. The higher the emotionalization between event and visitor, the more solidary the behavior towards your event brand and mission will be. Fundraising campaigns, in this case, can be an aid to you or your mission to achieve a specific goal, increase your reach, or sustain your operation. In the digital space, fundraising pages have proven to be a great way to communicate and collect donations. We’ve collected 8 essentials to help you design your fundraising page professionally and create a seamless fundraising experience for your fanbase/visitors.

Push Donation Engagement

With an online store for your event, you can not only sell tickets, but also call for donations.

Hand in schwarz weiß wirft einen Coin mit Ziffernblatt in ein Spendengefäß

Online donations are more flexible and trackable

Why is an online fundraising page worthwhile for your event? People in Germany donate because they want to support an organization on a regular basis (50.2%) or were motivated by an appeal for donations (17.8%). A website is particularly well suited for both motives. The quick processing of the donation is independent of location and time. Donors can comfortably support your event via desktop or smartphone. You can place your appeal for donations digitally, e.g. via social media, and lead interested parties directly to your fundraising page. If you use an integrated ticket store solution for your event, you can cross-sell your appeal for donations.

Online donations bring further advantages: depending on the fundraising campaign, online donations can be more cost-effective compared to other fundraising methods such as direct mail – you save on printing and postage costs. Plus, donation data can be processed directly, without manual transfer. The donation is processed more seamlessly and you can use the funds more quickly for your fundraising goal.

Overall, online donations can be an effective and efficient way for events to raise funds and connect with donors. By leveraging technology and digital channels, organizations can reach a wider audience, process donations quickly, and gain valuable insights into donor behavior and preferences.

Junger Mann hat am Smartphone die Fundraising-Page seiner Lieblingsrockband geöffnet

8 essentials for your fundraising page

For the common thread on your fundraising page, you must not lose sight of three aspects: first, your mission statement as an organizer, then the purpose of the fundraising campaign and the call-to-action to donate. In addition to the content design, the structure should look simple and aesthetic to create a seamless donation experience. Let’s take a look at each of these components together!

1. Introduce your organization and its purpose

Provide insight into your mission statement. What is the purpose of your event? What responsibility do you assume towards the public and what is the purpose of your concern. This is how you introduce yourself to the visitors of the fundraising page, the donors and the world, so these points should be formulated carefully. Be honest and concrete about the values and goals of your organization.

2. Specify your fundraising goal

Clearly state how much money you want to raise with the fundraising campaign. This gives donors a concrete goal to strive for, and you create a clear expectation of the campaign’s finish line. Tip: consider breaking the goal into smaller, more attainable subgoals. This will give your donor community a recurring sense of accomplishment that will keep them interested in the campaign.

More drive for your fundraising campaign

Discover our 5 suggestions for moving your fundraising campaign forward.

3. Time your fundraising campaign

Publish the timeline for your fundraising campaign, including the start and end dates. This gives donors a sense of urgency and helps them understand when their support is most needed. Make sure to provide regular updates on fundraising progress throughout the campaign to keep your donors informed.

4. Offer flexible donation options

Stay flexible with the donation amount. Every wallet is different and even small donations count! You can offer different donation amounts to choose from, but your donors should also have the option to enter an individual value. Tip: Communicating the individual impact of the donation amounts may motivate them to place a higher donation. Also, make sure that you inform about the purpose of the donation and clearly confirm the receipt of the donation.

5. Tell your story

Use storytelling to connect donors with your mission and the impact of their donation. Share personal stories and give examples of the impact each donation can have. Tip: Share the successes of your last fundraising campaign and how it helped your event.

6. Keep donators up-to-date

Keep your donors informed by providing regular updates on the progress of the fundraising campaign. To do this, you can easily connect your fundraising page with additional communication tools. Through emails or social media posts, you can share how much money has been raised, how the donations are being used, and the impact of the fundraising campaign. This will help you to reach a wider audience for your campaign and attract new supporters.

7. Place the donation form well visible

This is one of the most important aspects of your fundraising page. Website visitors should be able to easily find the donor information link so they can fill out the form, enter their personal information, specify their payment option, and proceed with the donation. Hard-to-find donor information forms discourage potential donors who simply couldn’t find the link.

8. Formulate a clear call-to-action

The call-to-action “Donate now” should be located right next to the donation form. The call-to-action should include a short explanation that encourages visitors to donate now. Keep the wording short and sweet to make the action understandable.

Successful donations with clear information and ease of use

Creating an effective fundraising page requires providing potential donors with clear and concise information about your event, mission, and fundraising campaign. By including the key information above, you can inspire donors to take action and support your cause. Remember to keep donors informed throughout the fundraising campaign and always show appreciation for their support.

Interested in planning your
own fundraising campaign?

Our event ticketing solution combines ticket sales with further functions for your WoW event! It also makes it possible to collect online donations.

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Kontaktfreier Einlass und einfache Zutrittskontrolle für die nächste erfolgreiche Wiedereröffnung

5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event.

5 Key Learnings from Reopening Your Event. 2560 1696 egocentric Systems GmbH

Your reopening went so-so? The return to operation in the New Normal let many organizers breathe a sigh of relief, followed by the realization of new hurdles. We have collected five points that you, as an event organizer, can learn from your reopening, so the next WOW event will be a success. Digitized ticket solutions, easier access control and contactless admission are just a few of the optimization points.

Kontaktfreier Einlass und einfache Zutrittskontrolle für die nächste erfolgreiche Wiedereröffnung

Summer 2021 was the season of great reopenings. Hooray for the revived cultural program, dazzling festivals and bustling city fairs! But sanitation issues, 3G regulations, and the hovering threat of another lockdown, make event operations difficult. What didn’t go so well for your reopening, you can always improve and prepare for the fall with innovative ideas. The collected key learnings in our post show you where to start!

Learning 1: Tickets with time slot are not only for museums

A ticket with a time slot means that your visitors choose a certain visit time when booking the ticket. The visit time regulates the length of stay, which is also noted on the ticket. You can define the intervals in advance and adjust them according to your capacities.

Tickets with time slot booking are suitable for any event that is characterized by streams of visitors and give you the possibility of a controlled flow of visitors. In addition, you can use the capacity of your venue to the fullest. No annoying queues for your visitors! No breaches of hygiene and distance rules! The icing on the cake: Visitor spaces do not expire. When leaving the venue, the space can be re-booked and you sell more tickets.

The ticket system of egocentric Systems offers a sophisticated function for time slot booking. Read more abot the advantages and the how it works.

Tickets mit Zeitfensterbuchung für kontrollierte Besucherströme

Learning 2: Open communication creates a secure feeling

Feeling SAFE is feeling FUN! With the visit of your event you get enormous trust from your guests. Building trust with your community is key in the New Normal. Therefore it is important to communicate continuously and to inform openly. Customer management and marketing tools make it easy for you to stay in touch with your fans. Send reminder emails about your reopening and show transparently what a visit to your location looks like. What do visitors have to consider at the entrance? What is important when returning a ticket? How do you take care of the safety of your guests?

The technological support of a CRM system simplifies the administration of your customer data and is the basis for target group specific communication campaigns. The online ticketing software from egocentric Systems offers you an all-round solution with all the functions you need to build up relationships with your target group – an integrated CRM and numerous marketing tools.

Learning 3: Contactless check-in is part of the basic setup


The goal after your reopening should be to limit the contacts at your event as much as possible. This starts with the purchase of the ticket. Selling your tickets online relieves your box office and expands your ticket range: mobile and print-at-home tickets support contactless admission options. On-site, you can implement electronic access control with the help of ticket scanners. The technical support enables the contactless process, impresses with additional digital functions and is simple to operate. The more contactless options you offer, the safer your guests will feel.

At the entrance, your visitors can scan their ticket themselves – print or mobile – and enter your event contactless. egocentric Systems offers its customers to rent appropriate scanners or supports the implementation of own devices into the system. Further advantages of electronic access control are the downstream functions: in our online ticketing system you can see how many visitors are on your premises and how long their stay lasted. This way you always have an overview of how many seats you can still sell or if your location is already full.

Learning 4: Online requests facilitate contact tracking

Data over data. The obligation of contact tracking occupies all organizers. The first hurdle is collecting the necessary data. Paperwork at the venue and queues must be avoided! Second hurdle is managing the data to quickly find the information when needed. Both points can be solved if you also sell your tickets online.

A cleverly designed online ticketing solution, like the one from egocentric Systems 😉, allows you to query customer information directly during ticket booking. You can create forms yourself and integrate them into the purchasing process. The created profiles of your guests can be easily managed by CRM and optimize the search for the desired information. Of course, the processing of data in the system is compliant according to legal guidelines.

Learning 5: To invest in innovative solutions is always a good idea

Beitragsbild Biete Shows und Performances online an

The lockdown made organizers aware of new innovative event formats. If you haven’t jumped on the bandwagon yet, we recommend you to do so pronto. How about your own online media library where you can offer additional material or recordings of entire events? You can also sell tickets for your digital offer via a paywall. You can also offer your event as a livestream and create the potential for double revenues. Furthermore, a digital solution opens the door to a larger target group and makes your brand more present online.

The egocentric Systems solution delivers a fast option for video content that you can integrate directly on your website. We see the huge advantage of the feature in maintaining the relationship with your guests. Home entertainment creates proximity to your offering and is an opportunity for networking and community building. Integrated features for chatting and a donation plugin complete the online experience.

Let’s sum up


Digitize processes to help you manage your event at New Normal. From online ticketing to contact tracking, there are digital offerings. With our online ticketing software you get all functions in one solution – JACKPOT!


Make the most of your venue and sell tickets efficiently. Tickets with time slot booking balance visitor flows and turn one ticket per visitor seat into as many as you want. A digital system in the background allows you to monitor the utilization of your event.


Make it contactless, if possible. Whether with special ticket types, a scanner system for electric admission control or an online offer for your fans at home. Diversify your offer and rely on technological support to create your WOW event in the New Normal.

You are not sure yet or still have questions. We would be happy to help you with your hurdles. Feel free to contact us at: info@egocentric-systems.de

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software.

Unser E-Ticket-System erleichtert Deine Veranstaltungsplanung

How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning.

How e-ticketing takes the pressure off your event planning. 2560 1707 egocentric Systems GmbH

The pandemic time has brought your business to a standstill? Or you are struggling with the implementation of hygiene regulations? The right e-ticketing solution can take the pressure off your event planning and offer numerous advantages – during the crisis and even afterwards.

Unser E-Ticket-System erleichtert Deine Veranstaltungsplanung

The planning of events is experiencing numerous hurdles due to the Covid-19 crisis and is increasing the organizational effort in numerous places. The sale of tickets also has to face new demands: preferably contactless, digital or mobile and as simple as possible. The ticketing system behind it should make your life easier and not open up another construction site. Below we present the advantages of e-tickets and how our solution solves your problems.

Increase Online Sales


The additional sales channel – the ticket store on your website – reaches new target groups compared to advance sales at the box office. Even visitors from further away can book tickets online for a weekend trip. This independence from physical distance is what makes e-tickets so special. But they also have other advantages.

E-tickets or digital tickets have a decisive advantage over analog tickets from the box office: transparency. Online sales allow you to bundle information – about buyers and for which events especially many tickets are sold. Linking the data directly from ticket sales with the event manager of egocentric Systems allows you to query and evaluate a wide range of data. This traceability is much more difficult with analog ticket sales.

And the most important thing should not be forgotten: digital tickets allow control mechanisms for the new normal. The sale of seat tickets with automatic spacing function, overview of the capacities of your premises and the sale of tickets with time windows. This way, you can already see how many visitors you expect and what the capacity utilization is when planning your event. This allows you to easily implement spacing rules and avoid contacts.

Also important to consider: the environmental factor

The graph above shows the environmental impact of paper. Although it is a more sustainable material than plastic, for example, reducing the use of paper can also do good for our planet. Saving paper counteracts the deforestation of forests. More and more people are becoming aware of this and are changing their purchasing behavior accordingly.

With e-tickets, you address precisely these visitors with an awareness of sustainability and create an alternative to the conventional paper ticket with digital tickets.

Fast forward again

That’s how e-tickets take the pressure off your event planning:

  • Easy access to tickets in your online shop
  • More revenue through flexible use of advertising space on the e-ticket
  • Direct collection of information from the sales process and linking with presentation and evaluation tools
  • Compliance with hygiene requirements and distance regulations
  • The environment thanks you – e-tickets have a significant sustainability aspect

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

Fünf Frauen sitzen um einem Tisch mit Laptop und analysieren Veranstaltungsberichte

Event Reports: these 6 are fundamental for your event

Event Reports: these 6 are fundamental for your event 2560 1829 egocentric Systems GmbH

In many online ticketing systems it is difficult to find and evaluate the most important data for events. Are you often missing the event report you need? Or you cannot find a suitable one in your ticketing solution?

Group of women around a table and have a meeting

What you get out of it: informative event reports make it easier for you to analyze your events, can be found quickly in the system and can be customized. In our blog post, we present 6 fundamental event reports that do just that. In addition, they are the basis for efficient analysis of your data and for deriving decisions.

No. 1 Event Summary Report

With the Event Summary Report you get an overview of the sales of your events. Measure the success of your events by analyzing how much revenue was generated in each category, e.g. tickets, merchandise, vouchers, donations. See how well you sold by each ticket category, how much you collected in advance fees, and how crowded your event is.

This report provides a good overall view of how successful your event can be in the future and which sub-areas need your attention the most.

No. 2 Payment Matching Report

From an accounting perspective, matching, i.e. comparing and contrasting the financial data of your ticket sales, is essential. Therefore, matching your reports is critical for credit card payment verification. Compare your transactions in our ticketing system with the funds from your payment gateway to correct any errors.

This will help you identify errors that occurred immediately. It is best to run this report daily to ensure your information is up to date.

No. 3 Custom Sales Report

If you need an event report that allows you to select your own sales revenue (e.g. customer information, event date ranges, etc.), then you should consider the custom sales report. Run the same report over and over again without effort to minimize your search time and filter desired information faster.

Share this report with all users in your event organizer account to keep them updated and informed about event sales. Run this report anytime you need comprehensive sales data.

No. 4 Custom Customer Report

Do you know enough about the people who attend your events? No? Then this event report will help you change that. For example, you can understand the demographics of your guests. This data will not only greatly improve your marketing efforts, but can also help you deepen relationships with your guests.

The Custom Customer Report is perfect for getting a snapshot of your visitors’ buying habits. Retrieve data such as your visitor’s name, email address, tickets purchased and total number of orders to get more information and improve the visitor experience.

No. 5 Will Call Report

You work with deposit or booking lists for all visitors of the particular event day? Keeping such records manually often leads to a great deal of processing work and contains numerous sources of error. Replace these manual lists sooner rather than later! Instead, immediately create a list of pickups for your upcoming events in the ticketing system.

The Will Call Report helps you capture all guests along with your necessary ticket information – similar to a guest list. The report identifies where your visitors purchased their tickets and allows you to sort them by visitor name or order number. If you want to get an overview of your visitors, the Will Call Report is worth checking out on the day of your event.

No. 6 Cashier Report

In the course of your daily work, you or your cashiers will generate an incredible amount of transactions that you need to keep accurate records of. With the Cashier Report you’ll be able to generate a list of the sales activities carried out by your employees. This will give you a detailed breakdown of each transaction, such as the number of cash or credit card payments, exchange orders, and which cashier was responsible for those orders during each period. This report is a great tool that will assist you in your cashier operations and greatly improve your cashier operations.

Now it’s your turn

You now realize how fundamental event reports are for you and your events! They make data clearer, more comprehensible and make it easier for you to find the information you need. You have also learned how we implement this with our system.

You are not sure yet or still have questions. We would be happy to help you with your challenges. Feel free to contact us at: info@egocentric-systems.de

You like what you’ve read?

With the reports from egocentric Systems, querying your data is easy peasy. Book your personal demo and see for yourself!

Mobile Ticketing für Sport-, Musik- und Kulturveranstaltungen

Mobile ticketing for sports, music and cultural events.

Mobile ticketing for sports, music and cultural events. 2560 1709 egocentric Systems GmbH

5 reasons to use mobile tickets for your next event.

Mobile ticketing for sports, music, and cultural events has gained tremendous popularity over the past decade. Due to the huge success story of mobile devices and an ever-increasing number of mobile payments, mobile ticketing is becoming the new standard.

Although the use of this technology is trending upwards, there are still some old misconceptions that keep especially small and medium-sized event organizers from taking advantage of mobile tickets for their events. We want to clear up these misconceptions in our blog post on mobile ticketing.

Mobile first.

What is mobile ticketing?

You’re probably familiar with Apple Wallet or the Android equivalent for storing mobile tickets directly on your phone.

Mobile ticketing refers to purchasing, holding and validating tickets with a mobile device. The term is often used to describe tickets to enter an event with a mobile device (because someone might pay on their desktop computer and then enter later with a mobile ticket). For this purpose, storage in the wallet provides easy handling of mobile tickets. Tickets are thus easy to store, cannot be forgotten at home on the day of the event, and cannot be lost.

Is there only ONE mobile ticket?

No! Basically, there are several different forms of mobile tickets. For example, an event organizer could simply issue a QR code that visitors show and scan on their cell phones upon entry. This often works, for example, by showing the QR code of the PDF wipe, which is actually intended as a “print at home” ticket, and at least has the advantage of not having to print out the ticket first.

Another, but not quite as popular variant is the integration of a mobile ticket into an app of the organizer or operator. For this, however, the ticket buyer still has to download a separate app in any case, which is not always that popular. One advantage, however, is that the issuer has direct access to the cell phone and can offer further applications. For example, he can immediately offer the possibility to buy the ticket directly in the app. This is used by Deutsche Bahn, among others, which offers mobile tickets exclusively via its own app.

Most popular – PKPASS

Probably the most common and popular variant of the mobile ticket is the issue of a so-called PKPASS. A PKPASS can be stored as a file in a mobile wallet, allowing the ticket to be displayed directly on the cell phone. The Pass Wallet app technology (often referred to as Passbook) originated in the USA and was first introduced by Apple.

Mobile tickets such as PKPASS are based on customer needs
All PKPASS files are digitally signed by the issuer, so any attempt to forge the data or access it without permission is considered unsuccessful.

Using a PKPASS, it is possible to have the QR code scanned directly from the wallet on a smartphone when entering an event. No extra app needs to be installed for this, at least on Apple devices. But the wallet is also becoming increasingly popular on Android devices, and with the introduction of Google Pay, a wallet for digital tickets and vouchers is now also preinstalled on most Android devices.

Trouble in town?

Despite their increasing popularity among ticket sellers, event organizers and customers, mobile tickets have not been that popular everywhere. There are several reasons for this, which we will briefly explain:

Mobile tickets are...

...difficult to give away!

Admittedly, if you want to give away a ticket, handing it over is part of the process. But is that really a problem? Mobile tickets are easy to transfer and can therefore be given away without any problems. Add to that perhaps a nice bottle of wine, or a box of chocolates…that’s it!

...complicated to set up!

Many older software solutions for ticket sales are mainly focused on printing tickets. Mobile application possibilities that were developed were more or less cumbersome on it. For egocentric Systems, e-tickets, just like the “mobile first” approach, have always played a very important role – and rightly so!

...with high fees!

Until a few years ago, the big ticket portals also charged high fees for electronic tickets. This meant that an e-ticket was only minimally cheaper than a physical ticket sent by mail. After a successful lawsuit by the consumer association Verbraucherzentrale NRW, the BGH has now also rejected the appeal of the ticketing provider CTS Eventim in the last instance. This means that even the major portals are no longer allowed to charge for e-tickets, paving the way for mobile tickets.

In plain language: these are the advantages of mobile ticketing

Now that we’ve shown you that many concerns about mobile ticketing are unfounded, here’s a concentrated load of reasons why it’s worth using it. Not only you, but also your guests will benefit from these 5 advantages!

The ticket that you never leave lying around.

The number of customers who want to print out a ticket or carry it with them in paper form is becoming smaller and smaller. The danger of losing the ticket or forgetting it at home is far too great. If you keep up with customer expectations, ticket sales will increase, as will repeat ticket bookings for future events.

The ticket that increases your conversion rate.

Another benefit is the increase in conversion rates. This is because mobile ticketing also includes the general sale of tickets via cell phone. The target group for events is getting younger and younger, which means that bookings on mobile devices are also on the rise. Every event organizer should therefore also address the “mobile first” strategy in ticketing as part of their sales strategies. This is necessary to offer all ticket buyers a pleasant booking experience and at the same time increase conversion rates.

The ticket, for fast check-in.

A quick check-in process at the event is also a huge benefit. When your guests don’t have to dig through their purses, backpacks, or wallets to find paper tickets, the lines move much faster. A mobile ticket is quickly accessible on a cell phone and the guest can find it at any time without having to search for it.

The ticket that relieves your support line.

A decreasing support effort is another advantage if you, as an organizer, rely more and more on mobile ticketing. From our more than 13 years of experience in full service ticketing, we can assure you that the support effort that arises in our call center before an event is sometimes immensely high. But this support effort is avoidable. Most requests are for tickets to be reprinted, resent, or a question about the shipping status. With a digital ticket, this question does not arise and your support effort is reduced enormously.

The ticket, for more sustainability.

For your visitors, the big advantage is that there is no need to print out tickets. Your guests appreciate that, because you take work off their shoulders. Not to forget the aspect of sustainability. Because our environment also benefits when there is less need for paper. Event organizers with whom we work now, rely exclusively on mobile tickets for environmental and sustainability reasons. Just to give you an example: XS Carnight, the annual tuning meeting, has been doing without paper tickets completely for over a year as part of a “green campaign”. Customers and fans support this and have ensured that all 2020 events were completely sold out.

The biggest advance is that mobile tickets are gradually reaching the broad stratum of the population. Every year, millions of ticket purchases are made on cell phones. Mobile technologies have long been used in public transportation, air travel, and even shipping.

While in the early days of mobile ticketing, smartphone ownership was still relatively low, today it is at an all-time high. In 2011, the percentage of small phone owners in the U.S. was 35%. That number now stands at 81%.

You too can discover mobile ticketing for your next event.

Get started with us now!

For even more information about event ticketing software and pricing, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

gelbe Wand mit Beschriftung "weiter offen"

Sell tickets for livestream events.

Sell tickets for livestream events. 2560 1530 egocentric Systems GmbH

Sell Tickets for livestream events and get additional revenue – how it works!

In our blog post “Survive the corona crisis. 10 things you can do as a promoter now.“We presented you a number of exciting possibilities that you, as an organizer of live events, can currently do to keep yourself and your event business alive. One of the topics we received the most feedback on was the opportunity to offer events online. We would, therefore, like to dedicate today’s blog exclusively to the topic of livestream.

Why does live streaming make sense? For whom is it suitable? And how can you implement it quickly?

Status Quo. No normal operation in 2020.


Everyone should know the live features of Facebook or YouTube by now. A wave of live streams is currently going through the internet and the share prices of streaming platforms such as Netflix or Disney Plus have increased rapidly. Many providers of video conferences (e.g. Zoom, Vimeo) have expanded their functionalities. There is the possibility to show house tours, to broadcast concerts online or to make archived material accessible to your own fans and supporters. Now, that no major public events are allowed to take place (in Germany until, at least, August 31, 2020) it is important that you have a plan for the next 4 months. The possibility of offering livestreams brings a number of possibilities and advantages that will also last beyond the quarantine. With online livestream offers, you have the opportunity to redeem income even during the temporary closure of your venue. This service is beneficial for you whether you are an opera house, a comedy club, a theater, a playhouse or a solo artist. With live streaming events you have the opportunity to reach your fans anytime and anywhere in the world despite the quarantine. But even if the first deconfinement steps for venues with fewer than 1,000 places is expected to come into force from the end of 2020, due to new hygiene regulations, seats in your location will have to remain empty. It is, therefore, very likely that reopening will only be permitted if social distancing rules are being followed. Therefore, organizers will have to accept a loss of revenue, as they have to report sold out at 30-50% of their original capacity. Hence, an additional livestream offers the opportunity to generate additional income and cover costs.

There’s a life after the crisis. LIVESTREAMING FOR MORE TICKET SALES.

But even if we can, hopefully, soon return to normality, additional online streaming offers should remain an interesting option for every event promoter. Even then, they still offer the opportunity to generate additional profits and reach international fans. Capacity is always limited and tickets can only be sold for physical seats. Events can hardly be scaled and organizers have to be very creative to increase their income in a normal way. A livestream ticket can reach a second audience in addition to the guests on site. Regional restrictions no longer exist, and you can make your performances accessible to fans at any time, who might only be able to make it to the venue once or twice a year due to the distance. Well promoted, a livestream offer even gives you the opportunity to reach completely new target groups and to gain new regular customers with your exciting content. Use your additional livestream offer as an appetizer. Be creative and offer additional online content for your visitors; you can provide an interview with the artist or a look behind the scenes as added bonus and thus significantly expand your offer compared to the other venues.

We, at egocentric Systems, are focused on marketing your events so that you can simply sell more tickets! Continuing on the subject of livestream. We have, therefore, given a lot of thought and can offer you a solution that you can use to start your streaming tickets today! In addition to all the software, you’ll also need the right technology, depending on your requirements. Because the quality of creating paid content also plays a major role in online business. With this in mind, we found competent partners with T-Systems Multimedia Solutions and Video Vision that would rock your livestream event with us!

The ticketing software. Our all-around genius.

In our ticketing software solution you have now the option of either setting up pure livestream events or, in addition to your offline events, also configuring tickets for access to the streaming offer. This is very easy and can be done quickly. Then you integrate the individual streaming service of your choice, whether it’s Zoom, You Tube, Vimeo or any other. We have deliberately designed our options so that you can freely choose your streaming platform. As a last step, you just have to integrate our streaming plugin into your website or any landing page. That shouldn’t take longer than 5 minutes and you’re ready to go. Your fans, guests and spectators can now buy a ticket in our ticket shop with just a few clicks. The ticket buyer get send an access code in his print at home or mobile ticket, with which he can get to your live offer quickly. Of course, this access can only be used once per time, so that you have no risk of multiple accesses with the same code.

As always with our software solutions, both the shop and the plugin are completely white label and can be easily integrated into your design and without media break. With our newly created media library options, you can monetize recorded events and other video material after the live event. Here, you have the option to sell the videos, e.g. with unlimited access, as well as on demand, with a limited access authorization. You can also find out in our video how easy you can integrate a stream into our platform.

The Oohs and Ahhs. The technology for brilliant live streams.

Live is life, that applies both at the event and before the stream. So everything has to fit when the curtain falls. Your livestream should run continuously without breaks and the video quality should be good. Interruptions or a bad streaming quality not only cause dissatisfaction with your audience, but can also make you appear unprofessional. The technical setup should be the right one and it is important that you equip yourself with the necessary hardware. With the help of our partner Video Vision, we have a few hints and tips for you below.

By the way, in our livestream offer you will find two great packages that we have put together for you with Video Vision.


  • For simple transmissions (e.g. home stories), the webcam of the laptop, tablet or cell phone does it for the start.
  • For a better quality, in larger rooms or when recording with several people, a video camera and simple equipment is preferable. The camera should be able to output formats up to 1920 × 1080 / 60p.


  • The tone is mostly underestimated. Although built-in microphones from your cell phone, computer or camera can bring good to very good quality, you are usually 2 meters or more away. External microphones are then much more suitable for these purposes and can be connected directly to a capture box.

Laptop / notebook.

  • To get started, a standard laptop is enough. It should have at least 2 CPU cores with 2.5 GHz (i5 or i7). The RAM should be 16GB RAM. All other components such as graphics card or hard drive are not relevant for live streams. The operating system can be Windows or MacOS, but keep in mind the quality of the sound.

Connection to laptop / notebook.

  • When using a camera, it must be connected to the computer. Special devices (capture boxes) are available from € 150.
  • The important question here is how the signal gets into the computer. Picture and sound signals are mostly imported via HDMI or SDI signal. (SDI offers higher uncompressed quality and is mainly used in a professional environment).


  • We recommend 2 to 6 Mbit / s (Mbps) upload speed. Make sure with your provider that this is not the download rate. This is often significantly higher and the upload is often around 10-20% download rate. You can test the whole thing e.g. via breitbandmess.de. An LTE solution can be an alternative depending on the utilization of the radio mast. As good connection rates, between 10 and 40 Mbit / s are available.
  • For a transmission of 720p HD you need approx. 2 Mbit / s, for Full HD with 1080p approx. 4-6 Mbit / s.


  • You need software to process the incoming video signal on the laptop. This processes the image and sound of one or more cameras into a livestream and connects directly to a streaming provider.
  • Our recommendation here is “OBS” – Open Broadcaster Software. The software is free of charge and available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It offers a lot of functions (combining different video signals, graphics, titles and lower thirds), which are also ideal for professional use. With a short introduction to the software, even streaming beginners can get started quickly.

Streaming server.

There are various options here that have to be weighed depending on the requirements.

  • Version 1: YouTube – free of charge, but not securely limited by a payment barrier. So if you want to sell live stream tickets and avoid sharing the stream free of charge, this option is out of the question. In addition, YouTube displays advertisements and promotes other videos. This can distract your viewers and switch to other content. Particularly important, with the publication on YouTube you may transfer your rights to the platform. So take a close look at the terms and conditions. If the general conditions of YouTube fit your needs, then you only need the ID of your stream, which you can easily assign to a streaming event in our system.
  • Version 2: Zoom – free of charge or also available as a payment solution. Zoom is actually aimed at small webinars and digital workshops with a maximum of 1,000 viewers. Many currently use the service provider for direct streaming. In the free version, up to 100 viewers can follow the stream. Similar to Youtube, you only need the ID of the stream here and you’re ready to go.
  • Version 3: Individual solution: Do you have your own streaming solution or a favorite streaming service (e.g. Vimeo)? No problem! With Iframe integration, you can integrate any stream into our system.

The bottom line is…

Extraordinary times require new measures and are often a driver for innovations! 

With our functionalities you can also be an innovation driver! There are certainly countless arguments that speak intensively about providing live stream sessions for events. A few years ago, it was only reserved for the major broadcasters to sell video content, but today this is no longer a problem even for smaller providers. The technical framework has become significantly cheaper and the level of difficulty has dropped extremely.

We have the right solution for you. Check out what options we offer.


And that shouldn’t end here. We want to #sticktogether and have created the best entry for you with the soliticket.de project to get through the crisis in the best possible way!

Start with us now!

For more information about great opportunities to advertise your event online, just contact us and get to know us and our software better.

Know your customers with the integrated CRM system of the Event Manager from egocentric Systems

CRM – Customer Relationship Management. More than just a database.

CRM – Customer Relationship Management. More than just a database. 2560 2214 egocentric Systems GmbH


The ticketing of the future is developing in Dresden. One of the important topics for modern and future-oriented ticketing is the topic of customer relationship management – in short, CRM. With this management tool from egocentric Systems you discover the uniqueness of your guests, fans and visitors.


Every person is unique and therefore wants to be addressed individually. If you want to sustainably strengthen the relationship with your guests and increase your sales significantly, you should know your customers. You can make your business even more successful by returning visitors, selling higher ticket categories and subscription tickets or by means of merchandising articles and secure sales through food and drinks sold in advance.

Keywords such as “360 ° customer view“, “customer journey” or “CRM”, which come up again and again in this context, are at best only buzzwords in daily meetings without good expertise. We at egocentric Systems support you with our many years of experience in ticketing and event management to fill these terms with life and to drive your business forward.

We see CRM as much more than just a piece of software. For us, CRM is a philosophy that extends deeply into all areas along the customer journey. This is the only way to really get a comprehensive view of your visitors, to get to know their wishes and to use the respective potential even more.

If you want to promote higher ticketing sales, the sale of your merchandising articles and increase your catering turnover, then it is best to get to know our event manager better today. Our event manager has a new and improved CRM system. So you understand your customers down to the smallest detail.


With the CRM system from egocentric Systems you can see the total sales of your customers at a glance. You not only have the historical sales data and interests of your customers available, but all the information you need for successful marketing. Complete the respective customer profiles by storing several addresses and maintain two full contacts with individual email addresses per customer number. Collect all the information you need as an organizer from your guests in five additional, user-defined fields. Manage how you can get in touch with your customers. With the help of the integrated relationship management, you can easily connect customer accounts. With this function you can e.g. Represent relationship relationships and use the rating system to categorize customers quickly and easily according to your respective criteria.

Thanks to Event Manager, you know everything about your customers and can quickly and easily make selections, set up automatic mailings, start campaigns or integrate external tools such as Mailchimp.

Privacy. The be-all and end-all of today’s CRM systems.

CRM is an integral part of marketing and customer service, so data protection must not be neglected. Data protection is a top priority for us too. Marketing consent, double opt-in procedures and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are a matter of course.

If you want to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your measures and significantly improve the product experience of your guests, fans and members, then you should work with the event manager from egocentric Systems. We promise you will be satisfied with the result: enthusiastic guests, even more loyal fans and significantly higher sales in ticketing, merchandising and F&B.

Turn your guests into fans!

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